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Matt, Roy, Alex, and I. We all took a flight back the moment Victor's info took us to Miami. He knew I would go after him. When I find Patrick, he's going to wish he was never born. I smile to myself while waiting for the flight to end. Only half an hour left. He better hope I don't find him. Closing my eyes with the idea of killing anyone who hurts Chloe. My frustration I'm feeling because I fell for that lie keeps me from relaxing, tho. It's all my fault! I repeat to myself.

,,This isn't your fault." Roy tells me and winch in pain when Alex stitch his shoulder.

,,Yes it is! I let my guard down for a single moment and got to Miami because Victor told me Patrick would be there. I should've known he was lying."

,,You couldn't have known. Patrick and his pawns are clever, they know which strings to pull whenever it comes to you."

,,What do you mean, Roy?"

,,Well, all they have to do is threaten Chloe and you're flying off to places all over the world."

,,Are you saying I'm getting weak?!"

,,No, not at all. But you're changing. Chloe is changing you." I keep quiet and think about it for a moment. Chloe is everything to me and they're right about flying over the entire world just to save her. Oh, my! I am getting weak and I'm not even succeeding in protecting Chloe!

,,Hey, she's going to be okay." Alex throws an arm around my shoulders. I didn't even notice I'm crying until I feel the wet tears on my hand. I wipe them away quickly. ,,It's okay to cry Beca. We all know how much Chloe means to you."

,,What if we're too late?" I look up to her. ,,What if we get there and they're all dead?"

,,You can't think like that! They're going to be fine, they're strong."

,,I hope so." I say and let her hold me until the plane lands. The moment we can leave the plane, I run out and we grab all our bags out of the plane and get to the checkout point of the airport. When we get outside, I see Roy with a car parked at the front of the entrance and that makes me smile. My team knows how I hate waiting around when there are things to get done.

The one hour and five minutes drive from the airport to the Bella's was the most boring thing I had ever had to sit through. Luckily Miley is save because she messaged me that she was back in LA, so I don't have to worry about her anymore. About a block away from the house, there is a whole smoke cloud hanging in the air, like a curtain in the air with the glow of orange and yellow pouring into the night sky. Roy seeing the smoke as well, picked up the speed and swerving into the driveway of the house. All of us jump out of the SUV, running the rest of the way. I run straight up to Brody and grab him.
,,When did this happen and why didn't you message me?!" I yell in his face.
,,Half an hour ago there was a guy who lit the house. I didn't chace him because I immediately rushed inside to save the Bellas." He tells me and I look from the burning house the some of the Bellas who are outside coughing, but I can't see Chloe. I see Aubrey looking tense as she stares at the burning house with her phone in her hand.

,,Aubrey!" I say, walking up to the girl who's hair is a hack of soot and ash, tears streaming down her face. ,,Is everyone out?" She doesn't say anything, so I grab her shoulders and shake her. ,,Is everyone okay?" She looks at me and shakes her head. 

,,Stacie is still inside." She tells me while more tears stream down her cheeks. ,,I thought they followed me out of the house." 

,,They?" Oh, my God! Chloe! ,,Aubrey, where is Chloe?" 

,,Chloe is - she's still inside." Aubrey reply's and my eyes open wide at that reply. I look over towards Roy, who comes towards us. 

,,Roy, Chloe's still in there." I tell him and hand my phone to him. Aubrey looks at me confused. I start to walk towards the house. 

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