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Two weeks, it has been two weeks since I saw Mike, Connor, Miley or Chloe. Two weeks without Chloe trying to catch the mole inside the Bellas with Brody. In fact, Brody and I are inseparable for two weeks now. He trained with me, he gave me inside information about Mike – but most important is that he didn't do anything behind my back. Chloe and I had a major of contact only not in person. I can't bring her into more danger by hanging out with me. She already has a big problem if Patrick or his pawns find her. She doesn't understand why I keep holding her off but I have no choice. I want to tell her the truth, the whole truth but I had to promise Eloise. Although I thought she would have a solution or some kind of plan by now, but she still has nothing. I can't sit around and wait. Brody arranged that I could leave a dorm room and move into a real house with Connor, Amy, Emily, and Miley. We all have separate rooms and I leave before everyone wakes up which means I haven't talked to them. Lately, I have the feeling I've been watched and I need to let Eloise that so now I'm on my way to her house. I just hope Chloe isn't there. She will be heartbroken if she knows that I lied to her about everything, well not about everything. The way I feel about her wasn't a lie. My feelings for her only grew stronger. I know I should make up with Connor but it hurts that he did that behind my back. I never lied to him and I never did something without him knowing. I just don't understand why he couldn't do the same for me. Before I know it I'm in front of Eloise's house. Okay, breathe Beca. She might not expect you but you need to tell her this. It could be one of Patrick's pawns or someone who wants to kill me through Mike. I sigh deeply and ring the bell. I'm surprised when the door gets opened by an unknown man.

,,Hello, is Eloise Beale at home?" He nods and wants to say something but I don't listen and get inside.

,,Beca what are you doing here? I don't remember that you requested a meeting with me."

,,I'm sorry Eloise, but this is important." I notice Aubrey standing next to her. ,,Wait, what are you doing here?"

,,That's not important." Says Eloise. ,,The big question is why you're here! Now, start talking."

,,Aubrey can you leave?"

,,No! I know your dirty little secret, Beca. You're an assassin who has to protect Miley Stewart, the president's daughter. Nothing and nobody will move from here." I sigh and let her stay.

,,I hope it is worth it, Beca. Mike already knows you met me."

,,Eloise, I can't do this anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm on your side but I can not keep lying to Chloe and pretending that everything is fine when everything is falling apart. It's killing me. Mike knows. I bet my life that he knows."

,,Beca, you have to be a hundred percent sure that he knows."

,,You just told me that he knows. We both know he knows that we're planning something."

,,True but -" I roll my eyes.

,,Eloise, it's been almost two weeks since I last saw him. He hasn't called me, I haven't said anything and for the same reason that everything looks calm is that there are problems. Look, these last two nights I've been hearing noises outside my house that you know I bought to live in with Amy, Connor, Emily, and Miley. I haven't seen Chloe for weeks now because I don't want to bring her into more danger than she already is in but she's texting me asking what's going on she keeps asking me what's going on when we call each other and I can't-"

,,You have to fulfill your part of the deal."

,,I don't -"

,,I'm not asking you!"

,,Don't you want to be free, Mrs. Beale? Traveling with your daughter? See your family again? Because I do. I don't have many family members left but I want to get to know the family I do have. I want a new life more than anything, to start over."

Target (sequel to Undercover)Where stories live. Discover now