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After my meeting with Eloise, I just want to be with Chloe. I chose her and Eloise seemed happy with that. We are sitting in the living room of the Bellas house with the other girls with us. They talk about anything and everything but I don't pay attention. My mind is still with my meeting with Eloise. How are we going to bring Mike down? How am I suppose to protect Chloe against him? Can I still have a relationship with her?

,,Are you okay?" I startle a little by Chloe's voice. She grabs my hand and smiles at me.

,,Yeah, I was just thinking."

,,Wanna share that thought of yours?" I sigh and sit better so I can look into her eyes.

,,Remember when I took you to my special place?"

,,Of course, that was amazing."

,,Thank you. You know, I never took anyone there, only Sara."

,,I feel honored."

,,That day when I took you, felt so good. So normal and free. And I knew the second we sat down to appreciate the view, that there was something about you I needed. Guess what?" She smiles and shrugs. ,,Turns out that it wasn't something about you at all." She raises her eyebrows. ,,It was just you. Chlo, I love you." Her smile gets bigger.

,,I love you too Becs." And she seals that with a smooth and slow kiss.

,,Okay enough love birds!" Yells Amy. ,,We are going to play spin the bottle."

,,No way." I say and hold Chloe close.

,,Why not?"

,,I won't let anyone kiss Chloe."

,,Aw." Emily looks at us with heart eyes.

,,Can't we watch a movie instead?" Now everybody looks at me surprised. ,,What?"

,,I never thought you would be into movies."

,,I'm not into movies, I just like to cuddle with Chloe while you're watching the movie." Oh, my God. That sounded so cheesy! What's happening to me? But when I look at Chloe I see the love in her eyes. I know I should end it between us before she gets into danger but I can't. I love her.

,,What movie do you guys want to watch?" Aubrey looks at the other girls while everyone takes a seat.

,,What about Aladdin?" Stacie suggests and everyone agrees but when the movie just starts my phone rings. Connor. What the hell does he want? I apologize while getting up and walk into the hallway.


Beca, I just got a call from Eloise.

How do you know her?

That's not the point. You need to get back to your dorm room, we need to talk.

I'm having a fun movie night with Chloe and the girls.

You hate movies and you know better than this. We have to discuss Patrick and Mike!

Okay fine, I'll be there but you owe me big time!

Whatever. I'll see you later! Don't tell them what you're going to do.

I won't, see you later!

I hang up and walk back into the living room to find all the girls waiting for me.

,,Everything okay?" Chloe asks me while walking up to me.

,,I'm sorry but I have to go."

,,What? Why?" Oh no, don't do this Chloe. Don't be sad, I will make it up to you I promise!

Target (sequel to Undercover)Where stories live. Discover now