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,,Are you nervous?" Connor asks me when we arrive at Mike's office. The door's closed but I know he's in there.

,,I am, Chloe is my girlfriend and I know he's not going to like that."

,,He has to deal with that. I know she makes you happy."

,,Thank you, Connor." I say and knock on the door.

,,Yeah?" I hear his voice yell and we enter his office. He looks up and smirks.

,,Ah Beca." He keeps watching me. ,,I hope you have good news."

,,Don't worry. We have." I look to Connor with the fake news in my thoughts. He just nods. ,,I have an appointment with Eloise at her office and we're one step closer to finding out who the mole is. The main office of the principle is in the center of Barden. The principle takes breaks at 2 and 5, each break lasts fifteen minutes. We try to get to his office to find information about every Bella, but his secretary is like an eagle, she sees everything." I explain to Mike and he just keeps looking at me with a serious look on his face.

,,Make her quit."

,,We did. But now the principle has a new secretary named Lola, she is more clueless and easy to cheat."

,,Do you have a plan to get into his office?"

,,We've been studying his secretary's movements, her rest hours and the places she goes into the office. While the principle takes his rest, Connor gets rid of Lola and I will sneak into his office."

,,And what about your little group of friends?" I raise my eyebrows at him. ,,Emily Junk, Fat Amy – or should I say fat, Patricia."

,,How did you?"

,,Found out about them?" He laughs. ,,I know everything. Did you think I would let you have those girls in your team if I didn't think they could be helpful? You're taking Emily and Amy with you when you're going into his office."

,,But they get caught."

,,Not my problem." He gets up from behind his desk. ,,Now about Eloise," He walks up to me. ,,now that you have contact with her, you have to make sure that you register her computer and to bring me her family files too."

,,Family files? Why?" Mike remains quiet. ,,I mean, the main target is Eloise, isn't it? You got to remember that Chloe gave me the necessary information. Not only about Eloise, but also about the Bellas. With that information, it's a lot easier to find that mole. That's enough."

,,That's not even close to enough. We must use everything she told you in our favor. Eloise needs to pay for what she did to me." You fucking moron, she didn't steal anything from you! You stole from her and you want to let her pay, you should be the one that I'll be killing!  Connor notices my anger and put his hand on my arm to calm me down, which helps. ,,I do not care if I have to use that little girlfriend of yours."

,,Oh no, you won't."

,,Excuse me?!" I hear Connor startle at my side.

,,Beca, what are you doing?" He whisper-ask me, but I continue. I won't let him use Chloe, ever!

,,I said you won't use Chloe. The last time you tried to get Chloe into your whole thing with Eloise, she increased security and sent your little spy to jail. What was his name again? Oh right, Chicago."

,,How do you -"

,,How do I know? I'm your best employee, I know everything about you and every mission. I'm the best at my job and you know it. By the way, you made me like this. I'm only going to tell you once, stay away from her!"

Target (sequel to Undercover)Where stories live. Discover now