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Today is the day that I'm going to face Mike. Chloe promised to stay at the house with the other girls. Amy and Emily wanted to come with me, but I rejected them. This is something I have to do alone. I can't risk them getting hurt because of my mission. Roy, Alex, Matt and Brody, on the other hand, are coming with me. They are on my team and I need an escape route. I have seen the blueprints at Brody's and we came up with a plan.

Okay, Alex, you can begin. I say into my earpiece. Alex is one of the best hackers of our team and she just broke into the security system of Mike's house. I don't have to worry about the alarms that can go off because Alex made sure to put them off.

The alarm is off, Beca. I will contain the security's but there are still guards.

That's never a problem for me. I tell her and turn towards Roy and Brody who are on my team for today.

,,You guys know the plan. We're going to defeat the guards at the front, you two stay outside and stand on the lookout. Nobody goes in or out, do you understand?"

,,Everyone who's escaping the house will be dead." Brody tells me and I smile happily. I seriously want to kill that man but I can't because I need his information about my father's whereabouts.

,,Good and if I'm not back in two hours, just leave okay?"

,,No, we're a team and we're not leaving without you." Roy tells me and grabs his gun.

,,Just keep an eye out." They nod and I press my earpiece again.

Alex, can you tell me how many we're facing?

Yes, there are two at the front and two in the back. The two in the back can see the two at the front so if you kill them, they will see.

Then I have to kill those two too. What about an exit?

All six exits are not guarded.

Can you see Mike's whereabouts?

He's in the living room with his wife, son, and daughter.

Great! I turn my gaze back on Roy and Brody.


,,Let's do this!" The three of us jump off the wall we were hiding from and sneak up at the two guards. I gesture to Brody that he has to shoot one of the guards but that he has to stay out of sight. He nods and aims his gun to the guard that's close to him. Without hesitation, he shoots at the guy. He has no silencer on the gun, so the guards at the back must have heard the gunshot.

,,You moron!" Whisper-yells Roy but I shake my head.

,,No, it's a good thing. Now we have more guys to kill." I wait for a couple of minutes before shooting the other guard who desperately looking around to find the person who shot his colleague. I smirk and step forward. ,,Looking for me?" I ask him.

,,You did this?" He asks me and I watch his hand.

,,Believe it or not, but it wasn't me."

,,It was me who shot your friend." Roy points his gun towards him. ,,Hands behind your head and on your knees." Luckily we aren't talking that loud because otherwise, Mike would have fled by now. The guard does what Roy tells him and goes down on his knees. Roy looks over at me. ,,Go, we've got this." I nod and sneak into the house.

I hope you are ready Matt?

I see you. Don't worry, I'll have your back.

Good to know. I sneak further until I'm at the corner. I peek for a second and see four guards. Matt, this is your cue. Can you handle this?

Target (sequel to Undercover)Where stories live. Discover now