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Roy, Alex, Matt and I are in Miami now. I've contacted Chloe about what I have to do today. I have to kill Patrick or one of his pawns. Chloe doesn't like me killing anyone but that's what Mike turned me into, although I'll never hurt Chloe. Before I can do or say anything my phone goes of, letting me know I have a message on Whatsapp. My curiousity is taking over because it can be Chloe, so I open my Whatsapp. The message isn't from Chloe tho.
Miley 🎤: Hi Bec. Thank you so much for letting me stay yesterday, I needed a break from my producers 😁.
Beca 🙈: You're welcome. Are you at the airport now?
Miley 🎤: I am, Brody brought me to the here and in about a minute my pilot is taking off. Oh, before you worry too much, nobody saw us leave. Brody did a good job.
Beca 🙈: Good. Are the Bellas okay?
Miley 🎤: I don't know that now because I'm at the airport but they were fine when I left with Brody.
Beca 🙈: That's a relief. Well, I have to go now. Take care and text me when you're back in LA.
Miley 🎤: I will and thank you again for letting me stay. Go get Patrick and don't die okay? Love you! 😚
I don't react anymore because Miley is probably on her prive jet on her way back to Los Angeles. I send a quick text message to Brody, asking if everything is still okay before turning to my team.
,,Hannah is back to LA." I whisper softly to them because Patrick's pawns can be here and I don't want to put Miley in danger by using her real name or saying where she's heading out loud.
,,Good, now are you ready?" Alex looks at me.
,,I was born ready. My job is to protect Miley and that's what I will do. I won't let her down."
,,When this is over, you can go back to your old life."
,,I'm not sure if I want my old life back."
,,Why not?" Roy looks at me. ,,Won't you be satisfied when Patrick and Mike are dead?"
,,I will be celebrating."
,,Then why aren't you sure?"
,,In my old life is was alone and didn't have anyone that cared about me. Now I have Chloe..."
,,You really love her huh?"
,,I never felt this strong about a girl before. The feelings I had for Jane doesn't compare to what I'm feeling for Chloe."
,,Aw, you better invite us to your wedding." Matt says and I smile.
,,She doesn't want to marry someone like me. In fact, I think it's better if -"
,,Don't finish that sentence. You'll regret saying it." Alex tries to find the address of the safe house of Patrick. I know she will find it and then this can be over. Chloe and the Bellas will be save. We walk further and take in our surroundings. I'm alert because there can be pawns of Patrick everywhere.
,,What are you going to do when this is over?" Matt walks next to me.
,,I don't know. I want to spend my life with Chloe but I know I can't walk away from Phantomeyes. Mike might be my boss and yours but -"
,,The days that I saw Mike as my boss are gone Beca. Don't you see it? Alex, Roy and I are following you now, you are our boss and I'm pretty sure that others who work at Phantomeyes want you to be their boss too."
,,What are you saying?"
,,What if you become head of Phantomeyes? It won't be a place for assassins. It will be an undercover company. We will be working above the FBI and the cops. They probably want to work for you."
,,Are you serious right now?" Matt nods. ,,You want me to take Mike's place?"
,,Yeah, you're way more relaxing than he is."
,,Everything I do is for a good reason."
,,So how are you going to handle Patrick when we're going in?"
,,If I see him, I'll teach him a lesson."
,,We're close. It's just around the corner." Tells Alex us who's been using the navigation on her phone. We go around the corner and gasp.
,,It's beautiful!"
,,Matt focus!" I say but it's really beautiful. If I got rid of Mike and Patrick, I'll be buying a house as big as this for Chloe. ,,Let's go in but be careful." They nod and follow me inside with raised guns. We check our surroundings but it's quiet. Way too quiet. 

,,Were is everyone?" Alex put down her gun for a moment.

,,Alex, keep your gun in front of you!" I tell her. ,,You never know who will come in." 

,,There is nobody, Beca." Roy tells me and put his hand on my shoulder. 

,,Patrick has to be here. That guy told us he would be here!" I walk further and sigh frustrated when there's nobody in the next room. ,,Goddammit!" I sit down on the couch and hold my face for a moment. 

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