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When I wake up the next morning, I can't be happier. The person I love more than anything is lying next to me and she agreed to move in with me. I'm still scared about Mike or Patrick's next move but I will do everything for Chloe. I should talk to Mike about getting revenge on my father. Mike promised me that I could kill him. Now I think about it, I have to kill three people. Not only my father but also Patrick and Mike. Miley is busy with a record deal as Hannah Montana and I'm proud of her. I don't think I would be that strong if someone wanted to kill me. I look at the only person who can make me smile. Her beautiful blue eyes find mine and her sweet smile makes my heart jump.

,,Good morning." She says with her raspy morning voice. Chloe stayed over before, so that's why I know how her morning voice sounds like. We haven't taken the next step yet because Chloe wanted to wait because of what happened between her and Chicago but I'm patient.

,,Good morning, gorgeous." Her cheeks turn red and her smile gets even bigger.

,,Did you got some sleep?" I look down for a moment. Chloe knows I barely sleep in general. Every time I close my eyes, I see my sister die.

,,I did, but not that long."

,,Did you had another nightmare?"

,,Yeah. It sucks because those nightmares always start as a dream."

,,I'm sorry, Becs." She gives me a loving kiss in my neck.

,,It's nothing you can change. I should be lucky, right? I mean, in every dream and nightmare I get to see Sara."

,,Do you visit her grave often?"

,,I haven't been to her grave for months now."

,,Why not?"

,,It's hard. I can't find peace before Patrick and Mike are dead."

,,What if I come with you?"

,,No. I'm sorry, but nobody but my and Brandon are allowed to be at her grave."

,,Okay, what about I spend the day with you. You can honor Sara but you won't be alone."

,,You want to do that for me?" Chloe gets up a little and looks me in the eyes.

,,Of course. Becs, I love you and I want to make you happy. I want to help you with everything. If you want to honor Sara, I will be honored to be with you to support you."

,,Come here." I pull her on my body.

,,I like where this is going." I laugh.

,,I just want your body heat." She raises her eyebrows. ,,Oh, my God! Not like that. I know you want to wait and that's okay." She giggles.

,,It's okay. I know you want to and I will let you know when I'm ready."

,,You're amazing." Chloe intertwines our hands and kisses me. I put my other hand into her perfect ginger hair and kiss her back.

,,How much I like this, we have to get up." Chloe pulls back a little and I groan. ,,Hey, it's a new day and nobody is in danger. We can have some fun."

,,Are we supposed to practice for our final performance with the Bella's?"

,,Maybe but we should practice. We won't win if we just lay here together."

,,I wouldn't mind lying in bed with you all day." Chloe starts blushing and just lies in my arms for a moment. ,,I love you." I truthfully tell her and I feel her smile.

,,I love you too, Becs." Our little moment is ruined by a knock on the door.

,,Yo love birds, get up! Aubrey wants us in the auditorium in one hour, so stop your make out and get dressed!" Chloe keeps her head in my neck and laughs.

,,I guess we should get up, Becs." She lifts her head and gives me one last kiss before getting out of bed. ,,I'm going to take a shower. I'll see you downstairs for breakfast." She grabs her things and walks to the bathroom. I lay still for a moment. Wow, what an amazing woman! I love her so much! I get out of bed and stretch. Yeah, I should get ready too before Aubrey will kill me. I get dressed and get downstairs to get breakfast with the other Bella's.

Later on, we've been practicing for an hour when we're collapsing into the chairs.

,,Aubrey, I know we have to win but this isn't fun." Amy says and needs to catch her breath.

,,Well, you haven't been doing much. Everybody runs the stairs up and down and what do you?"

,,Horizontal running!"

,,That's not even a thing." Now Aubrey looks at me. ,,You should look at Beca. She's the one who's been in shape."

,,That's because she's doing dirty things with Chloe." My eyes get big and I look over to Chloe who's obviously in shock too.

,,Good lord." Aubrey rolls her eyes but doesn't reply to Amy's reaction. Chloe sits down on the chair next to me and places her hand on mine.

,,I love you." She has said it a lot of times at this moment, but it never gets old to hear. Chloe doesn't wait for me to say it back and lays down her head on my shoulder.

,,We need to discuss our performance." Aubrey cuts in. ,,Stacie, can you help me with the choreography?"


,,Oh, and there's our Staubrey moment!" Amy yells and gets a high five from Cynthia-Rose.

,,In never thought to see so many lesbians in this group." She honestly says.

,,I'm not a lesbian. I'm happy in love with Bumper." Amy says proudly.

,,I never get used to that idea. He's a Treblemaker after all."

,,Aubrey, I don't mean to be rude but if you're against that rule so much shouldn't you kick her out?" Aubrey stays silent. ,,And Chloe. Shouldn't you have kicked Chloe out too?" I give Flo a deathly look.

,,Why would I kick her out?"

,,No, not now but four years ago when she dated that douche bag."

,,Oh, you mean Tom?" I say and have to stop the giggle.

,,Yeah, he was a Treblemaker at that moment, right?" Now I think about it, they are right. Aubrey should've kicked Chloe out for dating that guy but I'm glad she didn't.

,,Chloe is my best friend. It would've been wrong to kick her out."

,,Well somebody has to be your favorite, right?" Are they all jealous of Chloe? Chloe looks at me.

,,You are my favorite person." She tells me and the room fills itself with a lot of awes.

,,I wrote songs about you." I say without me realizing.

,,You did?" I look at my hands, ashamed.

,,Yeah. It's weird, huh?"

,,No, not at all." I look at Chloe whose smile is even bigger than this morning when we woke up. ,,It's really sweet."

,,Thank you. I'll let you hear one song at the right moment, okay?" Chloe just nods and lays her head back down on my shoulder. Damn, I could get used to this kind of sweet gestures. I never going to let Chloe go! I will do anything to protect her, even if that costs me my life! 

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