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,,So are you ready for this?" Connor and I are in our secret training layer. We're trying some new fighting methods, which include a bow and arrow. It might seem medieval but I like the idea of shooting an arrow into someone's heart from a distance. Connor learned to shoot with a bow and arrow earlier and wants to teach me now.
,,Yeah I'm ready." I hold onto the bow he gave me and we walk over to the shooting range. Normally we practice shooting with a gun but now it up to the arrow.
,,First of all, it's very important to stand well before shooting. You must ensure that you stand firm and transversely on the direction of the arrow." Connor explains and I follow his instructions. ,,You have to keep the bow parallel to the ground and place the arrow with the nock on the string."
,,The nock?"
,,Yes the notch on the back." I nod and he continues. ,,The deviating color of the feathers must be outside." I keep the arrow in the right place and he smiles. ,,Good! Now pull the arrow backward with your three fingers." I do what he tells me and raise the bow while pointing it at the human target. Not a real person unfortunately just the target we always shoot at with our guns. ,,I count to three." He tells me. ,,One... Two... Three!" I release the arrow but it misses the target. ,, You're not holding it right. It has to be forty-five degrees." He helps me put it right. ,,This time don't shoot until you're sure you will hit the target." I nod and close my left eye. I can see the target appear and disappear. I wait until he comes back and pulls the arrow backward again. Wait for it, just one second and now! I release the arrow and this time it hits the target's chest. Yes! If this were a real person he or she would be in major pain right now! ,,Well done Beca." Connor gives me a high five and gives me a bottle of water as we sit down.
,,I still prefer a gun but this is great too. It's nice to know that I have options."
,,Everyone should be afraid of you. You can do anything and execute people who are doing something wrong or hurt the people you love. You are the strongest person I know. I understand why Mike chooses you to work for him in the first place." Mike! The conversation with Chloe comes back. She told me it was Mike who killed Sara and that Connor knows that. He must know that if he told Chloe that, right? When the fight started, I was only focused on getting towards James because I know Mike would've ordered me to protect him. I saw James shoot and I saw a bullet going through Sara's heart. I need to know. I have to ask him! I look at Connor who's taking a sip from his bottle.
,,Connor?" He raises his eyebrows but remains drinking. ,,Did Mike kill Sara?" He spits out his water and gets up immediately without saying a word. ,,Connor?" He turns towards me.
,,Why do you ask such a question?" He gets nervous. Does he know more about what happened?
,,Because I want some answers. Can you tell me the truth?" I get up too now and face him.
,,Who told you this?"
,,So it is true?"
,,I didn't say that. I just want to know who tells you this kind of stuff."
,,That doesn't matter. I want to truth Connor and I won't ask it again. Did Mike kill Sara?"
,,Yes." The anger is building inside of me. I look at Connor and he seems quilty. Wait, so he knew? How long did he know and why didn't he told me this before?!
,,And did you know that?" He remains silent but he should know by now that I get an answer... Always! ,,Connor? Did you know?" I say with a little more force.
,,Yes." That son of a bitch!
,,How long have you known it was him who killed Sara?"
,,I know it from that night Beca. I saw him shoot her." Well, fuck you! You're a dead man! You won't get away with this!
,,You saw him aiming his gun at her?" He just nods. ,,And you didn't stop him?!" I start yelling now.
,,Beca I tried to stop him but before I could get to him, he already shot her."
,,Bullshit! You could've saved her but you didn't and now you got to pay for that!" I hit him two times against his face and kick him backward against the wall. ,,You knew how much she meant to me! Sara was everything to me and you just let her die!" I punch and kick him. He defends himself but he's not quick enough. ,,I hate you! This was the last straw. I will end you!" I'm furious and start to see black. I know I should stop but I can't. You could've stopped Mike but you didn't. Why did you let him shoot her? Did you want to kill Sara yourself? You fucking lied to me for years. You pretended to be - I stop my thoughts and keep punching Connor. ,,You lied to me for years! What did you think? I don't tell Beca because then I'll be in trouble?"
,,I'm sorry I couldn't stop Mike."
,,Your excuses don't make it right!"
,,I know but beating me up doesn't help you either." I push him against the wall with my arm against his throat.
,,You know nothing about me! You and I, the partnership between us and our friendship, is done. I don't want anything to do with you anymore."
,,You can't do that. We still have to finish our project."
,,I will tell the president you couldn't handle it anymore and besides, I have a new team."
,,Beca, I -" I release him and walk away from him.
,,Don't ever talk to me again. Don't even text, call or visit my dorm room." I grab my stuff and turn towards him one more time. ,,Oh and if I ever see you near Chloe, Miley, Emily, Amy, Brody or one of the Bellas... I will kill you!" I turn back around again and walk away from him. Never contact me, Chloe, Eloise or anyone who is close to me! If you do, I won't hesitate to kill you!

Target (sequel to Undercover)Where stories live. Discover now