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Roy 🚬 : We got him!

I look at the message I just received. They finally got him. Connor and I haven't spoken to each other after our fight three days ago but I don't want to. The only thing I want to do to him is causing him the same pain he did to me. Roy and Brody were trying to get him for me but haven't succeeded until now. I look towards a sleeping Chloe. I promised to tell her everything from now on but I doubt she will be okay with what I'm planning to do with Connor.

Beca 🙈: Finally! What took you two so long?!

Roy 🚬 : I'm sorry, he's smart. Can you come here today?

Beca 🙈: Of course! Keep him there and don't let him see anything.

Roy 🚬 : 👍.

I slowly get out of the bed and walk into the bathroom. How shall I tell Chloe what I'm going to do today? I don't want her to hate me but I have to do this. He betrayed me and everyone knows that I will punish the persons who betray me. I strip out of my clothes and get into the shower. I let the warm water slide over my body. I should think about Connor but my thoughts just go to Chloe. I love her so much but I'm afraid I will lose her when she finds out what I'm about to do with Connor. I can't live without her. I wish I could live with her for eternity but when she sees me kill someone she will leave me just like Jane did. I should write a note and put that on my pillow! I know I have to do that because I promised to tell her everything. Maybe a letter?  I put some shower gel on my body and let the warm water slide the gel from my body. I don't want to kill Connor but if he escapes today I will. I resolutely step out of the shower and dry myself with a towel.

,,Becs? Are you in here?" I smile by hearing her voice.

,,Yes." The door opens and the minute she sees me she looks at me with a smirk.

,,That's a nice view to wake up to."

,,Yeah?" I walk over to her and kiss her. ,,If you're nice to me today, maybe you'll get to see what's under the towel."

,,Maybe?" I nod and walk past her into the bedroom. ,,I'll take a shower and we talk after that!" She says and I laugh. She closes the door and I walk over to the desk where paper lies. Chloe will not be back soon, as she always takes a long shower. It's good tho because now I can write this letter. I sit down and begin to write. 

Ten minutes later I'm finished with the letter and I'm proud of my work. I look over to the bathroom but still hear the shower running. It won't take long before Chloe is finished. I walk over to the bed and put the letter down. The letter is folded and her name is on it. I grab my phone and let Roy know I'm on my way. I'll grab some breakfast on the way there. Very quickly I open my drawer with my pistols and take two out. I check if they're loaded, which they are, fortunately. I'm sorry I have to do this Chlo but he needs to pay. I sneak out of the room and drive to the cottage.

,,There you are Beca." Roy and Brody walk over to me.

,,I had to do something first." I tell them and Brody smirks.

,,Having sex with your girlfriend can wait you know?"

,,I didn't have sex with her, not that I would tell you. Now, where is he?"

,,On the chair there." Roy points to the spot Connor is. He is tight to the chair he sits on.

,,Do you have the masks and the voice distortion?" They nod and gives me a mask and the voice distortion.

,,He's a little scared." I smirk at Roy's comment.

,,Good. He betrayed me and you both know that nobody should do that to me."

,,What did he do to you?" Brody asks me and I know I have to be honest. I was honest with Chloe in the letter. She knows everything. Where I am, what I'm about to do... just everything.

,,He could have saved Sara that night but he didn't. He just let it happen."

,,Oh, that's the stupidest thing he could do to you. Everyone who knows you knows how much you cared about Sara."

,,Exactly and that's why he needs to pay now." I turn on the voice distortion, put the mask on my head and walk over to Connor. I remove the bag that's over his head and he looks at me.

,,Who are you and what do you want from me?" He asks me.

,,I'm just a messenger. You know Beca Mitchell, right?"

,,Yeah but she wouldn't do this to me."

,,She doesn't?" He shakes his head. ,,That's weird because she instructed me to hurt you enormously."

,,And who are those two?" I turn around and look to Roy and Brody.

,,Oh they're just here to prevent you from escaping."

,,What if I escape?"

,,You shouldn't want to escape because if you do you're a dead man."

,,Beca won't kill me."

,,Are you sure about that? As far as I know, you betrayed her. You could've saved her sister but you didn't."

,,I couldn't save her!"

,,That's not what Beca believes. She was furious when she contacted me." I know I lie to him but I don't care. He can't know I'm behind the mask. ,,Now," I turn towards Roy. ,,can you give me the shock device?" He nods and gives me the device. ,,Okay here's what going to happen. I'm going to ask you some questions and you give me the answers." He remains quiet. ,,Did you arrive inside the building before Beca?" He doesn't talk and I put the shock device against his chest what causes him to get a shock. He screams in pain. I release the device from his chest. ,,I should give me some answers because Beca told me to keep going until I got some answers. I don't mind going on until you're dead. Now answer the question! Where you inside the building before Beca?" He still refuses to tell me anything. You stubborn motherfucker!  I put the device against his chest again and when I release the device, he starts to talk.

,,Yes, I did."

,,How was that possible Connor?"

,,I was at a different location than Beca."

,,So you ignored her instructions?"

,,Yes. It was wrong but I can't change the past." He looks up to me. ,,And right now, I'm going to kill you." I start laughing.

,,You're delusional. You're stuck to that chair." He holds up his hands and I see he's free. Damnit, Brody! You didn't tighten him enough!  Connor avoids my fist and runs past me to the exit. He doesn't even dare to fight me! What a wimp!  ,,Get him!" I yell to Roy and Brody and they nod while running after him. I told you not to escape Connor because now I have to kill you! 

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