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Amy's point of view

I'm hanging out in my room for a while. Beca asked me to come with her because she has to face Eloise. I didn't know she was afraid but she kinda is. Eloise is Chloe's mother and now that Beca and Chloe are in a relationship for months, she's been distant. Eloise doesn't like that at all and keeps telling Beca that they made a deal. I'm standing in front of my bed when the door opens.

,,Amy, have you seen Chloe? I've looked everywhere for her and I can't find her." I can see the panic in her eyes.

,,Beca, calm down. Chloe's probably having some fun with the other Bella's."

,,I've text and called her, but she isn't answering to anything. I'm worried Patrick or Mike got her." I can see that she's trying to fight the tears that are trying to fall from her eyes. I walk over to her and pull her into a hug. I know Beca doesn't like to be hugged but I still do it. Beca might be a former assassin but she didn't get a proper hug in a while.

,,What can I do to help you?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders.

,,Let Chloe appear magically?" I start laughing and release her from the hug.

,,You know I can't do that. There's no such thing as magic. Should I call any of the Bella's?" She nods and I walk back to the bed where my phone lies. ,,Who should I call?"

,,I don't care. I just need to know if Chloe's alright." I nod and call Aubrey but it goes to her voicemail immediately. I try to call anyone but I can't succeed by all of them.

,,I can't reach them." I honestly tell Beca.

,,There must have happened something! I should've known that this would happen. I'm a fool to think that I can be happy with somebody for once in my life."

,,Hey, don't say this. Chloe loves you, okay? She's strong and she will be waiting for you to find her." Now she looks more serious.

,,What if I can't find her? What if she's waiting for me for months and dies because I couldn't find her? What if I'm too late and she dies in my arms, just like Sara did."

,,Okay, stop. Chloe's not going to die, you will find her. Just have a little patience." Beca is broken. She did everything in her power to save Chloe and Miley before and now Chloe's gone. I sigh and want to say something else but my phone interrupts me.


Turnip top.

Dad, what do you want? I told you I didn't want to see you ever again.

I know, but I need you to reconsider that decision.

Why would I do that?

Well, you are friends with Beca Mitchell right?

Yes, why do you ask?

I have some people here who you might be missing. I hear nothing for a while. Amy, help us, please! Those voices! Oh, my God, my father has kidnapped them?! I look over to Beca who keeps an eye on me.

How could you?! I yell. Beca steps forward.

,,Amy, are you alright?" I shake my head and put the phone on speaker. I shouldn't keep this from Beca.

,,My father has them." I only tell her in a whisper and see her getting mad.

Are you still there Amy?

Yeah but I'm not alone. I gesture for Beca to say something.

I'm with her too.

Target (sequel to Undercover)Where stories live. Discover now