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The Bella's and I are back onto the shore. Chicago was waiting for us when the helicopters brought us back and he's sitting way too close to Chloe now. I can hear everything he's saying and it's sweet that he wants to comfort Chloe, but she's my girlfriend! I think back to the information I got yesterday. Only Amy knows and she wants me to tell the other girls, but I can't bring them into more danger.

,,They've arrested Amy's dad and he's going to jail for a long time." He tells Chloe and she's relieved. 

,,Are they going to question him?" 

,,I think so." I laugh at him now. ,,What are you laughing at?" He asks me and stand up straight.

,,Do you really think he's going to tell the cops anything?"

,,Yeah why not?" 

,,You're stupid if you think that Fergus is going to tell the cops about Mike or Patrick. I get why you failed the mission years ago." 

,,Becs please, don't start a fight." Chloe almost begs me. I'm staying quiet and Chicago turns back to Chloe. 

,,I'm going to meet them, okay?" Chloe nods and Chicago leaves us alone. 

,,Do you think Fergus works for Mike?" 

,,No, but he does work for Patrick. He kidnapped you guys to get to me."

,,Well he succeeded, right?" Emily looks at me. 

,,I think Beca has something she'd like to share with the group." Amy suddenly says and I give her a look. ,,They have to know." She tells me and I know she's right.

,,Know what?" I look at Chloe.

,,Mike called me yesterday and threatened me. He told me that I need to hurry or he will be hurting you all." 

,,Oh Beca, why didn't you tell us?" Aubrey asks me.

,,Well, I was going to say something today, but we were involved in a hostage crisis." 

,,She's thinking about going to Australia to find Patrick."

,,You can't go alone!" They tell me now. They clearly disagree with the idea. 

,,No if you're going, we're going with you." 

,,No way! I won't put you into danger. I have to kill Patrick, not one of you." 

,,But don't you want to be free?" 

,,Yes, I guess but -" 

,,Beca, you can't do this on your own. You can find Patrick and kill him after you find the mole." Amy tells me and I sigh. 

,,Amy is right Beca," Starts Flo. ,,we all know what happened to you when you were an assassin but -" 

,,No you guys have no idea what I've been going through! Back when I was an assassin, I had to do things, things you can't imagine."

,,What kind of things?" 

,,Things that I had to do to survive. Things that there's no forgiveness for. I wanted to kill Connor because that's what I do. That's what I am. I spent six years in the darkness, I looked into the eyes of the devil and I gave him my soul." 

,,Wow, that's deep." Emily looks at me with her mouth open.

,,Yeah, I know. And I can't ignore the feeling of killing because once you let the darkness inside, it never comes out."

,,That's not true." Chloe interrupts. ,,You are the most wonderful, caring and loveable person I know. You are a sweetheart when you let your guard down."

Target (sequel to Undercover)Where stories live. Discover now