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The next day I'm standing in front of Connor's dorm room.

,,What are you doing here?" He asks me when he opens the door.

,,We need to talk."

,,What do you want to talk about?"

,,Do you know something about Chicago Walp?" I can see him startle hearing his name, but he nods anyway. ,,I need you to tell me about Chicago."

,,I can't do that."

,,Connor -"

,,I can't tell you about him, even if I wanted to."

,,You do not want Mike to know that you're not doing your job, are you?"

,,I am doing my job."

,,Oh really? Your job description is to help me whenever you can to find more information about the mole and Eloise. I'm asking this information from you to help me further and you're refusing to give it. You don't want Mike to find out right?"

,,Are you threatening me?"

,,No, I wouldn't do that to you. But I really need this, Connor. In two days I have to see Mike and give him news about the case and I had no opportunity to find the mole or get information about Eloise yesterday."

,,Wait, what did you do instead yesterday?"

,,I was with Chloe and then I went to leave her at her mother's house and there was Eloise."

,,Did Chloe invited you to come inside?" I shake my head.

,,No, it was Eloise herself."

,,And you said no?" I nod. ,,Why?"

,,I - I don't know."

,,I do know. You like Chloe and you're afraid that she will tell you everything about the Bellas. Then you will find out who the mole is and then you have the information you need. You're afraid that Eloise will tell you about her, that she will tell you everything you need to know. We both know that the sooner we have that information, the sooner we leave. Which also means saying goodbye to Chloe, to the woman you fell in love with."

,,Dude, listen. I don't have time to talk about feelings. I already have a fucking mess in my mind. If you are going to help me, then it's fine, but if not, just tell me and I'll find information about him on my own."

,,Fine, I'll give you information about him."


,,Seriously, but only information about him." Connor let me in and I still wonder how he got this room for himself. When he has closed the door, he turns to me. ,,Are you really sure about this?"


,,If you say so." What's wrong with him? I only want to know something about that dick head who used Chloe. Maybe he knows Chicago? The only way to find out is to look through the information Connor has of him. Connor copies all the information he has on a USB stick and gives it to me. ,,This is everything I know about him. Promise me you won't get mad at me."

,,What the hell are you talking about?"

,,You'll see." He says and I leave his room with a lot of questions. What the heck was that all about?! I return to my dorm room and get back to work.

An hour later Amy is also in my room and decided to help me. The only thing she does right now is searching through my closet. I don't know why. I keep reading about Chicago and the further I go, the more I want to hurt him.

,,Shit!" I say out loud and now Amy shows herself from my closet.

,,What's wrong?" I sigh. ,,Are you okay?" She sits down across from me and I face her.

,,No - I mean, yes. I don't know."

,,Do you want to talk about it?"

,,Have you ever heard about Chicago Walp?"

,,No, should I be interested?"

,,Amy, please." I beg her and she doesn't say anything anymore. ,,This guy was with Chloe, six years ago. He used her and it seems he was Connor's partner before Connor met me and Sara."

,,Why don't you seem surprised?"

,,Because it's not something I care about, if they didn't complete the mission they had, it's not my problem. Chicago was in jail for eight months for harassment and attempted theft on private property. Mike knew about Chloe and Chicago and he didn't even mention it to me. I didn't even know Mike had sent some other guy for the same mission I'm on now."

,,So... you're upset because Mike did not give you that detail?"

,,No, I'm upset because Chicago used her. I can't do that to her."

,,But you're not using her."

,,I am. I have to find the mole inside the Bellas and I am using her to find information about her mother."

,,But you have no choice. Mike -"

,,I know Mike wants me to use her, but I can't. She's kind, Amy. She is so shiny and beautiful and... different. She doesn't deserve any of this."

,,You like her?" I look up at her and she knows enough. I can't say no, because I do like her. I like her a lot. In fact, I am in love with her. I know that's what it is. ,,You like her. It's official."

,,And it scares me."

,,You know there's nothing wrong with that, right?"

,,I know, but... what about my job? What about Mike? Connor and I are going to see him in two days and we don't have anything."

,,I can help you with that."

,,Unless you have new information -" I start, but can't continue because of Connor who walks into the room. The anger takes control of my body and I push him hard against the closet door.

,,Why didn't you tell me that Chicago was your partner?!"

,,Because he was the worst partner I had, but I want to help you. We can modify Chicago's files and use them as new information. Just to make Mike's suspicions disappear."

,,Why are you doing this?" I ask while releasing him.

,,Are you kidding? We always take care of each other's backs." Amy looks at me.

,,We weren't finished with our talk yet."

,,Yes we were."

,,No. I should say, I told you so." Amy looks over to Connor and he knows exactly what she's talking about. He sits down next to Amy. ,,I knew you were going to fall for that redhead!" She says and I feel my cheeks burning.

,,Dude, shut up!" But it's true. I have fallen in love with Chloe and fast too. I almost told her three years ago, but back then she was still in love with Tom. I just hope our plan works, because I can't bring Chloe into danger! I will protect her with my life if I have to and I don't care who I hurt in the process!

Target (sequel to Undercover)Where stories live. Discover now