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I've been staying up all night, last night, to find Chloe, but I haven't succeeded. Why did I lose focus? I promised her that I'll keep her safe and every time I try to do that, she gets kidnapped. I'm failing her. I walk downstairs, frustrated and in need of a drink.

,,Beca, can we help to search for Chloe?" The Bella's all look at me, but I shake my head. 

,,No, I don't want anyone of you getting hurt. Chloe's kidnapped for the second time because I didn't pay attention and Emily got shot. Emily is fine because she wasn't shot somewhere fatal but none of that would've happened if I kept my focus."

,,Chloe's kidnapping or Emily getting shot isn't your fault."

,,Yes, it is. Patrick wants me and the only way I'm willing to fight him is if he has Chloe. He knows my weak spot."

,,Why are you punishing yourself for falling in love?" Aubrey looks at me with raised eyebrows. 

,,Because I'm not supposed to fall in love. I've been in love before and she broke my heart."

,,Chloe isn't like Jane." 

,,I know that, but everyone I loved got hurt. First my mother, then Sara, then my team members. They all died and I couldn't do anything to prevent that!" 

,,But you can safe Chloe." 

,,How? I don't even know where she is." 

,,Roy is searching far and wide for her and you know she's in New York, right?" Emily asks me.

,,Yeah, but New York is big. You can hide someone pretty good there."

,,I know, but you can't give up. You have to save her and bring her back to us." 

,,I will bring her back, but I'm not coming home." 

,,You can't sacrifice yourself, Beca. Patrick will kill you." Aubrey says shocked.

,,I don't think that's what Beca means." I look over to Amy. Why does she foresee what I'm planning, like all the time?  ,,You want to leave, right?" 

,,I do. I can't stay here anymore, not if Patrick is still alive and after you guys." 

,,You can't pretend we don't exist."

,,I'm not pretending. I know you're here in Atlanta and I won't forget you, but in order to save you guys - to save Chloe from more hurt, I have to go. Patrick will leave you guys alone because he wants me." 

,,Beca, please -" Stacie looks at me with a sad expression. 

,,I'm sorry, Stace but I don't have a choice." I explain and my phone starts to vibrate.

Roy 🚬: We found the car!

Beca 🙈: Did you found Chloe too?

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Beca 🙈: Did you found Chloe too?

Roy 🚬: No, not yet.

Beca 🙈: You need to find her, Roy. She's the best thing that happened to me and I can't lose her, do you understand?! 

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