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A/N: Got the inspiration for a lot of chapters from Undercover and this story because of bechloecup. On her Instagram account, she has a story named, 'the ghost' what helped me write part of both stories. 

Go check out her account on Instagram: (https://www.instagram.com/bechloecup/) 

and her Ghost story: (https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxziSxhlDP/). She is amazing! 

Bechloecup, thank you so much for letting me use your amazing au!!


A/N: I'm so sorry for the late post but I've been busy all day because of Christmas day. Luckily I am able to post this now, 12 minutes before 26th of december ( my time ). Don't worry, tomorrow will be a new chapter of my SuperCorp story; Afraid, so enough to read 😉. I still hope you'll like this chapter!


I haven't been to Barden for a week now. Chloe has text-ed me a lot, but I couldn't reply. I hate myself for lying to her. She's the best thing that happened to me in a long time and I want to tell her everything but Mike wouldn't approve of that. I expect everyone to be in class, but when I arrive at Barden I see Chloe standing against the wall outside. Is she done with classes already? Is she skipping class?  I stop driving and open my window.

,,You finished classes already?" She's startled by my comment but smiles when she sees it's me.

,,Oh, my god! Becs, where have you been?" She runs up to the open window. Damn, she's really happy to see me. Does that mean she likes me more than a friend? I have to tell her!

,,Chlo, I -"

,,I missed you so much. I've called you like a billion times."

,,I know." I sigh. ,,I'm sorry, but I can't explain. It's dangerous for you to know and I don't want to put you into any danger."

,,I can handle it but I respect your decision. I just hope you will trust me enough to tell me one day." It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that you could get hurt if you know about my job.

,,Thank you. But you didn't answer my question. Did you finished the classes already?"

,,No, I still have classes but I couldn't concentrate. Please do not say anything, nobody knows about this." So she is skipping?! I'm surprised.

,,Your secret is safe with me. Would you like to take a ride?" I offer her and she's doubting.

,,I must be at my mother's house at six." Seriously? A curfew? That's pathetic. I smile at her.

,,Don't worry your pretty head about that. You will there at six, only with good company on the road. What do you say?" Come on Chlo, you already skipping classes. It's not a big deal anymore. Chloe smiles and gets in the car. I drive back to the road, away from Barden. I kinda like it that we're on this date. Wait, is this a date? What does Chloe think about it?  I look over to Chloe, who's already looking at me. Say something!

,,So, singer, dancer and you have a job behind the scenes. What other things does miss Beale hides?" I ask her and she giggles.

,,Well, a long time ago, I skipped my classes to hang out with a guy."

,,Oh, of course, you did." I smirk. For a guy. So she's straight!

,,It's not what you think, we just skipped classes to talk in the cafeteria. I have not given my first real kiss." What?! She must be lying. I mean, look at her. I can't imagine that nobody wants to kiss her.

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