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No one's point of view

,,So you're telling me that she was in the hospital but we don't know who took her out?!" Eloise yells to her bodyguard Joey.

,,The cameras were frozen, ma'am and there's no record of who took Beca Mitchell out."

,,Well then you didn't do your job!"

,,I thought you didn't care about the girl. You wanted to stop her no matter what right?"

,,Now it's a different story. Joey, I need to find her. Track her phone, her last transaction, there must be something."

,,I'm afraid we do not have that information."

,,Why the hell not?"

,,Because there was no phone or anything to take us to miss Mitchell." Eloise sits down and runs her hand through her hair.

,,Listen to me very carefully Joey. We have to find that girl no matter what. You need to call all the security teams or find other ways to find her. Beca Mitchell isn't a simple girl, Joey."

,,I've never seen you pulling strings for a girl before."

,,This isn't some girl. Chloe is in love with her and I'll do everything for my daughter so you have to track everything available, hack other cameras if necessary. Just find the girl already!" And after that sentence, Eloise sends Joey away.

Chloe's point of view

Connor and I are on our way to Beca's house. I know she isn't there but Connor told me it's cleaned up again. Like nothing happened. Everyone pretends nothing happened but my mind is about to explode. I got so much information yesterday and I don't know if I should be angry at Beca for lying to me or if I want to punch her but I do know that despite everything I still love her.

,,Are you okay?" Connor looks over to me and I just shake my head.

,,No. I thought Beca loved me."

,,Beca loves you."

,,Does she? Or was she only using me to get information about my mother?"

,,Chloe, Beca stood up to our boss Mike for you. I don't know anyone that survived standing up to him. She took a huge risk to defend you."

,,I told her everything about myself. She should've told me the truth."

,,And what if she did? Would you believe that she has regrets about her killing rate? Will you even be friends with her? I saw people walking away from her because of what she did. People called her a monster."

,,That's though." Connor nods and opens the front door.

,,Yeah, so think about that before you cut her out of your life." He walks inside the living room while I stand still in the hallway for a few seconds. He's right. I shouldn't cut her out of my life. I don't see her as a monster I'm just mad and disappointed that she didn't tell me the truth. I think talking with her is the only solution. I don't want to lose her and if she wants me to continue to call me her girlfriend, she has to tell me everything. I sigh. If we can find her. I walk into the living room to find Amy, Emily, and Brody there with Connor.

,,We need your help, Brody." Connor says when everyone has noticed me.

,,With what?"

,,Finding Beca. Can you log in to the system and track her?"

,,You are asking me to do what?" He looks over to me now. ,,And what is she doing here?"

,,Brody, she knows. She knows about everything."

,,You do?" Amy looks at me.

,,Yeah, Aubrey told me yesterday when I found out that Beca was attacked."

,,Oh, are you okay?" Emily walks over to me. ,,You're not mad?"

,,I prefer to talk about it with Beca." I say while crossing my arms. I turn to Brody. ,,Can you help us tracking her?"

,,I can't track her if she doesn't have her phone and your mom would know if I hack the system."

,,Damnit." I sigh. I have to find Beca because I want to talk to her about everything.

,,What if I have a name?" Says Connor and now everyone in the room looks at him. ,,Beca was in the hospital but we don't know who took her out. It can be a pawn of Patrick but it can be someone on our side. I know someone who can help us but he's hard to find."

,,If that person can take us to Beca, I think it will work." I say.

,,I can't just contact him."

,,Why the hell not?" Amy and Emily get mad now.

,,Because Eloise will know if I use the system. And besides, I'm not very good at hacking."

,,Connor this is important!" Amy grabs his collar and I'm glad she cares about Beca just as much as I do.

,,Okay!" Amy releases Connor and he grabs his phone. ,,I know someone who would be perfect to help us." He starts to type something, probably a number and put the phone to his ear.

Devon? Yeah, we need your help! Can you please meet us tonight? Great, we will see you then!

He hangs up and looks at me. ,,He will come here tonight so do you want to stay over? You can sleep in Beca's room." I slowly nod and he walks me to Beca's room. I look around when Connor has left me alone and see some pictures of us together. I grab one of the pictures and hold it for a second.

,,Why did you lie to me Beca? Don't you trust me? Did you just use me? Are your feelings for me even real?" I start to get mad and sad at the same time

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,,Why did you lie to me Beca? Don't you trust me? Did you just use me? Are your feelings for me even real?" I start to get mad and sad at the same time. ,,You lied to me!" And I throw the picture on the floor. I hear a little crack and I know the glass is broken. ,,How could you lie to me?! I thought you loved me!" I don't know why I start yelling in an empty room but I guess I need to let out my frustrations. The tears are streaming down my face and I sit down on the bed. I still need you Becs but I don't know if I can trust you anymore. I lie down and close my eyes. I have to find you and talk to you about this. I hate that I can't find you! And those are the last thoughts that are in my head before I fall asleep.

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