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Chloe's point of view•
It has been two weeks ago when I found out about everything else. About Beca, Miley and my mother. I already knew that Mike, Beca's boss is my father but I'm glad that I know everything else now. The picture I broke is in my bedroom. I couldn't throw it away. I love Beca with all my heart and all I have to do is talk to her. I need to understand why she kept the truth hidden from me. I trusted her enough to tell her about my problems so I don't get why she had to lie. I keep thinking about what Connor told me about Jane and all the other girls Beca knew in the past. I can't believe they actually called her a monster. Jane was Beca's girlfriend and didn't defend her. The worse girlfriend ever, right? I mean, I get that they were hurt and angry because Beca lied to them but they should have talked it out.

This morning I got a text message from Connor. He wants to meet me because Devon found someone who can help Beca. He actually found her and he had sent some guy over to get her back.

When I arrive at the meeting spot, I notice that Connor isn't alone. My mother is with him.
,,What is she doing here?" I know I should be happy that she's here but I am not. She lied to me too so I'm mad at her too. She shouldn't be here.
,,She's here to help."
,,Well I don't want her help. She lied to me about everything too." I look over at my mother. ,,I need to talk to Beca first before I can talk to you."
,,I understand but can you keep me updated please?" I just nod but my mind is saying "no". I'm not updating her after what she did. My mom says goodbye to Connor and goes back to her home.
,,Okay, what do you got?" I ask Connor and he leads me inside.
,,Chloe we found her!" Yells Amy when she sees me.
,,About time. Where is she?"
,,Kevin is getting her now."
,,Who's Kevin?"
,,My colleague." Connor tries to assure me but he can only achieve that by bringing Beca back to me.
,,Okay and how did you find her." I look over towards Emily, Miley, and Amy.
,,We had some help." I follow her gaze and I freeze. What is he doing here?! I thought he was dead! He smiles slightly when he sees me.
,,Chloe Beale, that's a surprise."
,,Oh, my God! How -" He interrupts me.
,,Does your mom knows you're here?"
,,I don't think I should explain myself to you. The other way round will be better. How can you still be alive?" He sighs and just goes behind his laptop again. You don't ignore me like that Chicago! You broke my heart and used me! I deserve an answer! I cross my arms but he doesn't notice that.
,,I tracked Jane and the red dot you see... That's where Beca is."
,,Chicago, what are you doing here in Atlanta?"
,,I'm trying to do something good, Chloe."
,,Bullshit." I see that Chicago startles a little bit. ,,I can't trust someone like you." He starts laughing.
,,You basically tell us that you don't trust Beca."
,,I never said that!"
,,Maybe you didn't but I know you are doubting about trusting Beca. You know Beca is exactly the same as I am. We are working for the same bad guy and used you and your mother." He has a point. But I love Beca so much. It feels different! I start to get mad. ,,Your reaction shows me that I'm right."
,,Beca loves Chloe!" Yells Amy.
,,You are wrong Chicago. Beca will give her life if that means she can keep Chloe safe." Emily and Miley say at the same time and my cheeks start to burn. I still love her.
,,Beca isn't like you Chicago and do you know why not?" He shakes his head. ,,Because she is trying to change her life for the better. She could have used me to get to my mother but she didn't. She wanted to get to know me and even tho she lied to me, I know she didn't lie about her feelings."
,,And still, you're hurt."
,,I am and that's why Beca and I need to talk. I'm proud of her."
,,Oh really? And why is that?" Connor interfere. I look at him.
,,Because she chooses to work with my mother." I look back towards Chicago. ,,You didn't. You kept on working for my father, the wrong choice. I was devastated after what you did but I'm over you. I want Beca."
,,You should be thanking me." I snicker.
,,Why would I do that?"
,,Because I'm the one who sent Kevin over to get her. So basically I saved her." I keep quiet. Stop this bullshit and give me Beca back! I need her now more than ever!
,,Chicago wants the same as we do, Chloe." Says Connor.
,,It's true. I had to make everyone believe I went to jail, only that way things will work." He explains. I shake my head.
,,This is too much."
,,I know and I'm sorry."
,,You're sorry?" I sigh when I see his look. He's trying to help. ,,It doesn't matter now. I don't care about you, I only care about Beca."
,,I told you, she's still angry with you." Says Connor and Chicago sighs. Suddenly Connors's phone lights up with Kevin's name on the screen.
Kevin, did you find her? Oh, thank God! So he found her, right? Where are you taking her? Wait, she isn't coming here? Why not? I mean, I thought Connor said that Kevin would bring her here. Okay, I will tell her. And he hangs up the phone. ,,She's safe and fine. Kevin brings her to her brother." He walks over to Chicago's laptop. ,,I will give you his address." He writes something on a piece of paper and hands it to me. ,,It's possible Beca isn't there when you arrive but just stay there and wait for her. She will be back and then you can talk to her." I nod and take the paper.
,,Thank you, Connor." I look at the three girls that I love with all my heart. ,,Well, I should go. Thank you for helping." Now I turn back towards Connor. ,,Thank you for the address."
,,Go get your girl!" Yells Amy and I smile. That's exactly what I'm planning to do. Talk to Beca and still keep her as my girlfriend. I leave the scene and prepare myself for the talk with Beca. 

Earlier that morning•
,,You haven't been listening to me Beca." Mike appears to me but I can't say anything. He's holding me like this for two weeks. The only time my hands get untied is when I have to eat something. I was hoping the punishers killed me because this is way worse. I can't let anyone know that I'm still alive and I can't talk because of the tape that's on my mouth. ,,I gave you a mission and you betrayed me. What do I have to do with you?" I just look at him. ,,Oh, right." He grabs the tape and pulls it off my mouth.
,,Ouch!" I yell.
,,Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry!"
,,No, you're not! What are you planning to do with me?"
,,You should know because you've seen me kill her."
,,Caity was a good assassin! She didn't deserve to die."
,,There were more agents killed during the battle, remember?"
,,Don't talk about her!"
,,I can do whatever I want, Mitchell. Sara disobeyed me and she had to pay for that."
,,What are you talking about? You lost the best assassin you had because James shot her!" Mike starts laughing.
,,I really thought you had figured it out by now but don't worry you will figure it out eventually." He smirks. Before I can ask anything else, he put the tape back on my mouth, shutting me up. ,,If you will excuse me, I have to visit a certain redhead. I hope you said goodbye to her, because when I'm done with her you can order another grave stone." He laughs evily and my eyes become big. Mike leaves the room and shut the door with a bang while I try to get loose. After a few good tries, I stop before my pulse hurts even more and I feel a tear escape my eyes. Please be safe Chloe!

I've spent hours but I'm still tight to this chair. Mike probably already has Chloe by now. Stupid moron, you failed Chloe! I curse myself for not being able to protect Chloe. I'm not worthy of her love. She's better of without me. I startle by some noises in the hallway. Someone is knocking out the guys who are standing there. I hope he or she won't find and kill me but my hope is gone when the door opens. I'm not afraid of the person who can come in, I just want to get out of here and stop Mike from hurting Chloe.
,,Beca Mitchell, I guess you need my help." Kevin steps into the room with his gun stretched out in front of him. He walks up to me and removes the tape. It doesn't hurt as much when Mike removed it but it still hurts. He removes the ropes that have been around my wrists and I rub the pain away.
,,We have to go!" I say and get up. ,,Mike is after Chloe!" Kevin holds me back.
,,Chloe doesn't get hurt."
,,How will you know that?"
,,Because she's with Connor."
,,She is?" Kevin nods and I release a nervous sigh. Kevin grabs his phone and probably calls Connor.
Connor. Yes, I did. I'm taking Beca with me. To her brother's house. I think you should tell Chloe that.
And he hangs up the phone.
,,Okay I will take you to your brother now. You should call him and tell him you're staying with him tonight."
,,What about Chloe?"
,,She will be fine." He walks in front of me to the door. ,,Oh, but I think you have to talk to her when you see her again. You have to tell her the truth."
,,I know." I look down at my hands while the tears are pricking in my eyes.
,,I know it's hard to tell the people you love the truth but it's inevitable. I have done it before."
,,Did you lose them?"
,,The people you told, did you lost them after the truth?" Kevin doesn't say anything and I know enough. ,,I'm pretty sure that I will lose Chloe when she knows the truth."
,,You don't know that. Connor told me you two are crazy about each other. Maybe she will get mad at first but it will be okay in the end."
,,I hope you're right Kevin." I just say and walk after Kevin out of the room. I really hope Kevin is right because losing Chloe will be the end of me!

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