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I'm tied up, in a scarily familiar place. My clothes are torn and my body bruised. He had promised if I helped him with the experiments, then he wouldn't hurt me but he lied. I hear the door open. I smell him before I can see him. And there he is, on top of me, stabbing me with a knife. I scream out in pain.

,,You shouldn't have done that." He tells me and points to the weapon I destroyed.

,,You told me you wanted to save the world, not destroy it!" I yell and push him off of me. I punch him into his gut a few times and smile as he starts to bleed. He screams and tackles me. He stays on top of me and starts to stab me a few times again until I'm bleeding a lot. If nobody's going to help me by now, I will be dead in seconds. I feel the life dreading out of me and I'm slowly closing my eyes but I know that if I do, I'm never going to wake up. The door flies open with a lot of force and Connor and Sara are walking in.

,,Beca!" Yells Sara and shoots him. He falls off of me, bleeding to death. Sara runs up to me and helps me up. Connor takes my other arm and together we're walking out of there. Suddenly they both let me go and I can see only black. What's wrong? The dream change into a too familiar day. No, not again! I stand in position, trying to disarm James. Mike is standing next to him and both of them are shooting. A bullet is going through Sara's chest. She falls to the floor, blood flowing from her chest.

,,Sara!" I yell and run up to her. I grab her and hold her close to me. Sara closes her eyes. ,,No! Please wake up!" I shake her body but she doesn't wake up. ,,No!" Another voice sounds.

,,Beca, wake up. Beca?!" Everything I see fades away. I try to hold onto Sara but she disappears too. ,,No!"

I jolt awake screaming, my chest heaving and tears streaming down my face. I look around but it still looks like I'm at that same place. Even though I'm awake, I'm still reliving my dream, my nightmare. A hand touches my shoulder and I jump a mile. Out of reflex I grab the person and throw the person onto the ground with my hand in its throat. I hear someone grabbing my hand, trying to get it off from its throat. The door opens but I don't look up.

,,Beca!" I hear Emily and see her run towards the person I'm holding. ,,Let go of her." Her? I dare to look to the person I'm holding and startle. Oh my God, it's Chloe! I release her quickly and scramble into the corner, away from her.

,,I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" I yell towards her, tears running down my cheeks. 

Chloe's point of view

I sit on the ground for a second, catching my breath. I have never seen Beca like this before. I look into her eyes and my heart breaks. Fear and guilt, but mostly guilt. I get up slowly and sit a few feet in front of Beca.

,,It's okay Beca. You're safe. Nobody is going to hurt you, not while I'm with you." I move a little bit closer when I see the fear lessen in her eyes. The guilt stays tho but she looks more aware of her surroundings. ,,You're safe." I tell her and get a little closer.

,,Be careful Chloe." I hear Emily says, but I know Beca didn't mean to hurt me. She must have dreamed something awful to react like this.

,,I'm okay, Em." I gesture for her to leave us alone and she nods while leaving the room.  

Beca's point of view

I hear Chloe. I hear that soft, familiar voice, slicing through my memory, bringing me back to reality. Everything starts to come back into view slowly. My bed, my desk, my laptop and then Chloe. Beautiful, comforting and concerned Chloe. I blink fast a couple of times and everything is back to normal, no traces of the Amazo's. The Amazo's were the guys who kidnapped me and abused me until Sara and Connor saved me. I take a sharp breath and my watery eyes turn to my girlfriend.

,,Chlo?" Chloe smiles softly and scoots all the way towards me so our legs are touching.

,,There's my girl." She says and I just let my tears fall. ,,Oh Beca." She whispers and pulls me into her lap. ,,It's okay. I've got you. I'm right here, it's okay." She rocks us back and forth and rubs my back. I wrap my legs around her waist and I bury my head in her neck. My tears are slowing down and I'm almost breathing normally again. Chloe carefully stands up, making sure to hold on tight to me and walks over to the bed. She sits us down and leans against the headboard. I pick up my head and look at Chloe, sniffling softly. She cups my cheek in her hand and pecks my lips softly. ,,Do you want to talk about it?" She asks quietly. I open my mouth and then close it. Chloe speaks up quickly. ,,You don't have to. Not if you don't want to." I shake my head and I take both of her hands.

,,No, I -" I choke up. ,,You should know. I've never told anyone about what really happened to me at the Amazo's. Not Connor, Sara or Brody." I shake my head sighing. ,,No one." I take a deep breath. ,,But you're different. You're my safe place, my home. Whenever I think of either of those things, you are what comes to mind." Chloe smiles gently and kisses my cheek.

,,I will always be that for you. I love you." I smile for the first time this night.

,,I love you too." I take another deep breath. ,,I was on a mission when some group of men named the Amazo's kidnapped me. I remember two men, picking me up by the arms and dragged me onto a ship. I begged them to let me go but no one would talk to me." Chloe is listening and tries her best to comfort me, holding me tight and planting light kisses to my head. ,,I met some guy named Jack. He was young and told me that he could save the world. He said I could help him with some experiments or die. I believed him about wanting to save the world, so I helped." I squeeze my eyes shut and I know Chloe must feel tears falling onto her shirt.

,,Shh it's okay. You don't have to continue." She whispers in my ear and kisses the side of my head.

,,Yes I do. You deserve to know. And besides, he did more terrible things to me." Chloe tenses up. ,,I helped Jack for the first few months, but I didn't know what he was doing."

,,You were kidnapped for months?" I just nod.

,,I found out what he was doing. Jack was working on a machine that could kill everyone on earth. I had to do something so I destroyed the machine. Jack got furious and slapped me before I could do anything. Back then I wasn't as strong I am now. He abused me for the last month after that until I was almost dead."

,,Why didn't he killed you?" It's brave of her to ask.

,,Connor and Sara came in and killed him, before he could kill me." Chloe pulls me close to herself and holds me tight.

,,Oh baby, I'm so sorry."

,,There's more." I sigh. ,,Mike was his partner."


,,Mike killed Sara because she killed Jack."

,,And Connor knew." I nod.

,,I wanted to kill some guy who betrayed us and when I noticed Sara falling on the ground – I knew it was too late. All I could do was fall to my knees and take her into my arms."

,,I'm so sorry babe, I'm so sorry."

,,She was everything to me and she was ripped from my world. That's when I let my anger be in control of my body. I killed the man I thought was responsible for Sara's death and became the killer I am today." Chloe holds me, comforting me in any way she can. ,,I miss her so much."

,,Why didn't you told me all this before?" I look Chloe in the eyes.

,,Because if people knew, if you knew, you would see me differently. And not as some secret agent... as damaged."

,,But you are damaged."

,,I know. I don't sleep, I barely eat, I can barely say my own name. And if I fall asleep, I'm being dragged into a nightmare where I'm reliving the same day over and over again."

,,Becs, you don't have to hold in when you're with me. I love you and I want to know everything about you. All the good things, but also bad things like this. I'll be here for you always, okay?" I nod and let her hold me. I don't know what I will do without you Chlo. Please stay with me! 

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