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The next day I've been keeping my distance towards Connor. He hurt me by working with Chloe's mother behind my back. I can't stand-in for myself if I see him. I know I will hurt him. I don't know where to go or what to say that's why I'm hiding in our secret hideout working on my endurance. If I have to stop Patrick I need all the endurance I have. I can't believe Connor will betray me like this! He should pay and I'm working on that but first I need a way to find Patrick and end his threats. Eloise wanted to work together but she hasn't called me or left a message. I start punching the punching bag like a million times. I'm so frustrated right now. First Mike lies to me, then I'm exposed to Eloise and then I have to find out that Connor worked with Eloise all this time. I pull off my shirt leaving me only in my sports bra. I grab some weapons and start training. Think about people you hate? Patrick, Mike, everyone who works for them and recently Connor. I give the dummy a few punches. I'm going to defeat you, Patrick! My strokes are getting harder and I don't want to stop. Not even when my knuckles start to bleed a little. Just when I take a little break my phone starts ringing. Speaking of the devil, it's Eloise.

Eloise, what can I do for you?

Beca, aren't you supposed to be at Barden?

Yeah, I couldn't be there today after what happened with Connor.

That's the dumbest excuse I've ever heard!

It's not an excuse. He's been my partner for years and he met you behind my back and lied to me. I hate people who lie to me!

You're exactly the same. You lie to Chloe.

You make me lie to her. I want to tell her everything but you say I can't.

Enough! That's not why I called you. You have to go back to Barden.


Because I've sent someone who's going to help you.


Yes, you need some help.

I have a partner already, I don't need more people who can put Chloe into danger.

Chloe isn't in danger yet. If you cross me I'll make sure you will regret that okay?

Yeah, I get it.

Good, now go and don't let me down.

I sigh and hang up the phone. I grab my shirt and pull it over my head covering my bra. Here goes nothing. I think before leaving back to Barden.

When I arrive back at Barden, I wait at the front of the university but don't see anyone new. If Eloise would have sent me a picture or something then I know who to look for.

,,Beca!" I turn around and see Connor, Amy, Emily, Miley and Chloe walking over to me.

,,Hey guys." I say and ignore Connor.

,,Where have you been?"

,,I had an important meeting to attend to." I look over the yard finding someone who looks new.

,,Are you looking for someone?" Connor stands next to me but I don't want him to. I'm still mad at him for what he did so I take a step away from him.

,,I am, indeed." I only tell him and keep looking without noticing him stepping closer to me.

,,Who are you looking for?"

,,Dude!" I yell and push him back. ,,Don't stand so close to me!"

,,Are you still mad about what I told you yesterday?"

,,What do you think?!"

,,I suppose you are mad."

,,You don't get it huh?" I turn around to face him. ,,We were a team and you screwed me over!"

,,I had no choice."

,,You always get a choice Connor but you choose the wrong one. You should've told me."

,,Maybe but it doesn't change anything."

,,It would've and you know it. I can't protect Hannah if you lie to me."

,,Okay, what's this all about?" Chloe asks me and I can see that she's even more suspicious. Oh crap! I can't tell her anything but I want to.

,,Nothing you should be worrying about." I say and calm her down.

,,Becs, I know you're hiding something for me. Why can't you trust me?"

,,I do trust you but I can't -" I stop when I see a car approaching. ,,Sorry, I have to go." Before they can ask me questions, I walk up to the car where a guy gets out. ,,Are you the guy that got sent by Eloise Beale?" I ask him and he nods. ,,Great, I'm Beca Mitchell."

,,I know who you are." He only tells me, looks around and pulls me with him. When we are alone he smiles at me. ,,You have quite a reputation. Why hide inside a university?"

,,What do you know about me exactly?"

,,You joined Phantomeyes with your sister who got killed. You haven't been quiet these last years either, how many have you killed? Uncountable. You're an assassin who gets a kick from killing and most of the time you can't control yourself. Your father has beaten you up and your mother died of cancer. You lost many members of your team and are working undercover for the president."

,,Wow, you know a lot."

,,I do but don't worry I won't expose you to your girlfriend. Eloise told me about Chloe." I grab him by his collar.

,,If you're after her or wanting to hurt her, I will end you!" I say while pressing my dumbs in his throat. He holds up his hands and I release him so he can catch his breath for a second.

,,Okay you're very protective of Chloe but I'm not here to kill her. I'm here to help you get rid of Patrick and his mole inside the Barden Bellas."

,,Does the mole works for him?!"

,,Ah something you didn't know yet? Good! Do you know her name?"

,,Esther. At least that's what Mike told me but he lied before so I don't trust him anymore."

,,You shouldn't trust him but her name is Esther."

,,But there isn't someone named Esther in the Bellas."

,,She probably uses some fake name."

,,Of course!" I sigh. That I didn't think about that! I'm so clueless sometimes.

,,Do you have a file about every Bella?"

,,I do but before we're going to work together you have to promise me something."

,,What's that?"

,,That you'll protect Chloe, Miley, Connor and the other Bellas. I know one of the Bellas is a mole but the rest of them are innocent."

,,Beca, that's impossible. We have to a close eye to all the Bellas."

,,Chloe, Amy, and Emily have nothing to do with this! Neither of them can be the mole and I won't bring them into danger unnecessary."

,,You care about them a lot."

,,I do. And by the way, you work for me now."

,,I work for Eloise."

,,Exactly and Eloise told me to continue on this case so you're part of MY team now."

,,Fine." He holds his hand out. ,,Let me introduce myself first. My name is Brody Sanders."

,,Welcome to the team. Now let's get that motherfucker!" I say and he gives me a high five. I like him. He respects me and it doesn't seem he will do things behind my back. Connor better be okay with him working with us or I'll hire someone who can take care of his suspicions. Everybody who's working for me should know by now not to underestimate me because I can kill anybody within four seconds! 

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