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Today the Bella's and I have a day off at the swimming pool, to take a break. It's mostly for Chloe and the other girls that I'm here right now. All I want is to search for Patrick, so I can end this. I'm not very fond of swimming pools because of what my father did to me, but seeing Chloe in a sexy bikini makes up for that part. 

,,You look very sexy, Chlo." I tell her when she walks up to me and she winks at me. I'm surprised how calm the Bella's are when it's only two days ago when we found Chloe in that warehouse. Everyone jumps in at the same time, well everyone except me. I sit on the edge and dip my feet in the water, watching Chloe laugh and having fun with Aubrey and Emily. I couldn't protect her as I promised her. I'm such a failure! Amy looks at me questioningly, sitting next to me on the edge, taking my example with her feet. 

,,Why aren't you going in the water?" She asks me and I look at her.

,,How can I relax while Patrick is still trying to kill Chloe?!" I yell frustrated. Okay. Deep breaths, Beca. In and out. 

,,You saved her, she's in no danger now. Besides, we're inside of a building. I'm surprised if they can get her from here." 

,,Amy, Patrick will always find a way to keep a close eye on her. He always manage to bring his pawns close to us so he can act when Chloe is alone." 

,,Beca, you find a way to end this. You're the best assassin, according to the internet. I've read your file and I'm impressed." 

,,Thanks but that's not enough. Yes, I can kill but they were right." 

,,Right about what?" 

,,Me getting weak. I trusted Brody to keep Chloe save and what happened?! Chloe got kidnapped and they had her for four days. They almost raped her and I couldn't do anything!" I groan. ,,And the worse part is that I don't even know where Patrick is right now."

,,You'll locate him."

,,When? I almost lost Chloe and she's the best thing that happened to me. I can't live my life without her." 

,,Then don't live without her." 

,,Easier said than done. I'm lucky Eloise was kind enough to let me have the lead on finding Chloe." I sigh and look Amy in the eyes with tears in my eyes. ,,What if something like this happens again? What if she's kidnapped again and I couldn't save her?"

,,Then you'll find her again." 

,,That's not enough!" I stand up and go through my hair frustrated. ,,I love her so much and I can't even protect her! Maybe it's better if I leave." Now Amy gets up frustrated. 

,,What did you just say?!" She yells and the other girls are looking over at us, their eyebrows raised in confusion. 

,,You heard me. It's better for me to leave you all behind, be on my own again without risking all of you to be in danger." 

,,You would leave Chloe behind unprotected?"

,,What?! No, I never said that. If I leave, my team will stay here to keep an eye out for Chloe. I promised Eloise that I'll protect Chloe, I just didn't say how I was going to do that. I tried to protect Chloe myself, but I failed! I can't see what else I can do further."

,,Leaving isn't -" 

,,Amy, stop. I made up my mind about it. You guys are better off without me." 

,,That's not true and you know it!" She yells, while I see the Bella's swimming our way. ,,Chloe will never let you walk away like that. Chloe needs you, we need you." 

,,No you don't. Chloe will be more safe if I'm away. Patrick wants me, so he will follow me when I leave. That way Chloe is out of danger, because all of his attention goes to me! You guys can have a normal life without getting hurt." 

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