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Chloe's point of view

,,So I told Beca that she is the right person for me." I tell Aubrey when we're sitting at the dinner table. My mother just left for work, so we're alone.

,,How could you say something like that to her?"

,,It's not like I asked her to marry me, Bree."

,,No, but still. I still don't think it's a good idea and by the way, she rejected you."

,,It wasn't like that, my mom arrived at the wrong time, it's different."

,,But if she felt the same for you, she would have told you already."

,,She has been busy."

,,That may be the case, but she didn't even send you a message Chloe."

,,Why are you so negative about this?" I say and look down at my hands. I thought Aubrey would be happy for me. That she granted me new love, but I guess I was wrong?!

,,Look, I'm just looking out for you, you know that. I can not trust someone like her."

,,Someone like her? What's that supposed to mean?"

,,Well, there's something about her that I don't trust. She seems nice and all, but she's hiding something."

,,I know she's hiding something, but I don't want to push her. She should tell me whenever she's ready. I truly love her Bree. I never felt like this before, not even with Chicago."

,,But why can't she tell you?"

,,I don't know. I only know that she experienced a lot of misery in her life."

,,I think it's weird that she hasn't told you."

,,Well, I give her time. I'm not going to push her!" I start to get angry. I know Aubrey only wants to protect me, but she's going too far. I know Beca is still hiding a big secret from me, but I know other secrets that nobody else knows. Beca trusts me and I won't abuse her trust.

,,Are you going to see her tonight?"

,,No, why?"

,,You should question her and finds out what she's hiding. Think about what happened with Chicago."

,,Beca isn't like Chicago. She won't use me like that! She's special to me."

,,I just want to be sure. Your mother hasn't questioned her yet. You know what will happen if she finds out the truth about Beca." I startle. My mother has a method to scare away anybody who doesn't seem right for me. She has done it before. Tom isn't allowed to contact me at all and because my mother is a former assassin, she will kill him if she ever sees him close to me. I love her with my heart, but if she's going to scare Beca away, I will never forgive her. Beca means more to me than every guy I ever dated. She's caring, sweet, beautiful and she makes me laugh. Because of her, I can be a normal student, without being scared that someone wants to kidnap me or use me against my mother. Whenever she's around, I'm safe.

,,I don't think it's serious, her secret but I will try to find out."

,,Really?" Aubrey looks at me.

,,Yeah, but you have to promise me to leave her alone. She trusts me and I want to keep her trust. I don't know what I will do if I lose her. She means a lot to me."

,,You're in love, I get it. I promise to leave her alone -" She takes a break for a moment. ,,- for now." She finishes her sentence and leaves me alone. I have the whole house to myself and can't stop wondering what Beca is doing right now. 

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