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I wake up the next morning with a different feeling. Normally I would wake up restless and tired, but now – it's like my body doesn't cooperate today and I know exactly why. Today is Sara's birthday but I can't handle celebrating. I look next to me and smile at the sweet sleeping face of Chloe. Maybe that's another reason why I'm feeling relaxed today. I can handle anything as long as Chloe is by my side.

,,Are you okay?" I hear her ask me and I'm surprised because she has her eyes closed. How is it possible she can see me? She opens her eyes and smiles at me.

,,Not really." I honestly say and look down for a second.

,,What's wrong?"

,,Today is Sara's birthday. I know I should celebrate but I'm not feeling it."

,,Becs, you don't have to celebrate if you don't want to. I understand it's hard but it's normal to feel down on special days like this."

,,What did I do to deserve you?" I look her in the eyes.

,,You didn't have to do something. I liked you the minute I saw you. You are something special."

,,I'm dangerous. I can kill somebody in one second."

,,Have you ever hesitated to kill someone?"

,,I can't remember how many times I begged Mike not to let me kill the target but I didn't have a choice. I had to protect myself and Sara because Mike would've killed me or her if I didn't do what he told me."

,,He was that heartless?"

,,Yeah. He killed Sara and let me believe James killed her."

,,But I don't think you're very dangerous, Becs."

,,You haven't seen me at my worst. You will be scared of me when my emotions are off."

,,I'm not scared of you, Becs."

,,Not yet." Chloe pulls me on to her and kisses me passionately.

,,I'm," One kiss on my cheek. ,,not," another kiss on my nose. ,,scared," a kiss on my forehead. ,,of you." And the last kiss is on my mouth. Chloe keeps holding me close. ,,I know I can't say this, but I really want you Becs." I can see blush appear on her cheeks.

,,Why can't you say that?"

,,Because it's Sara's birthday. You need to celebrate, not having sex with me."

,,You're too sweet." I give her another kiss. ,,But I thought you wanted to wait, after what happened with Chicago." I swallow a little bit. ,,Can you tell me what happened?"

,,Well," Chloe lets go of me and sits up against the headboard.

,,It's okay if you don't want to tell me."

,,You deserve to know, Becs. I want to be honest with you but I'm scared."

,,Scared of what?"

,,Your reaction obviously. It isn't a pretty story and you might look different at me."

,,I will never look at you differently. You're the most wonderful and beautiful girl I've ever seen."

,,And you say I'm the sweet one." I smile and lean in again. My lips come against hers in a sweet and caring way. Chloe sighs deeply and I wait patiently for her to start telling me the story. ,,It was six years ago." She starts and looks down at her hands. ,,Chicago and I had a relationship for three weeks. He wanted to have sex for a long time but I waited because I was still a virgin. One night we were dared to have sex with each other by some of his friends. When we were in his bedroom, with the door locked, we started kissing and touching each other. Chicago undressed me and lied me down on the bed. He was very excited because he could finally have sex with me, the sex he wanted so badly but I didn't know if I was ready. I didn't dare to disappoint him and didn't tell him what was on my mind. He kept undressing me until I was naked and so was he. I swallowed by seeing his man-parts because it wasn't a small part. He started to feel me up and I was turned on, not going to lie but the further we came the more I knew I wasn't ready. I tried to push him off of me and tell him I wasn't ready and wanted to stop but he didn't listen. He pushed my hands above my head and held them so I couldn't move." Chloe stops for a moment and the anger inside of me isn't slowing down. I know what's coming next, but I know I have to hear this. I grab her hands.

Target (sequel to Undercover)Where stories live. Discover now