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Brody, Roy and I are chasing the guy who likely started the fire. I really thought that Matt and Alex could get him, but he's smart. It's my turn now and I will get him! My mind is empty and my feelings are turned off, mostly because Alex and Matt are staying with the girls. The panic and shock on Chloe's face give me the strength to chase this guy. He probably did this because Patrick told him to but I still going to kill him.

,,He's too fast." Brody says but I grab his collar for a second.

,,Don't you dare to stop chasing him!" Roy is wise to chase the guy while I'm holding Brody for a moment. ,,We have to get him, do you understand?!"

,,But Beca, he's fast."

,,Then we need to split up. He almost killed Chloe and Stacie, I won't let him get away with that!"

,,I get it." He raises his hands in the air.

,,Good." I release him again. ,,Now come on, we need to catch him!" We run back to Roy who's still trying to catch him.

,,Damn, he's really fast." He's almost out of breath.

,,We won't stop until we catch him!"

,,But we're already chasing him for an hour now."

,,I know and that's frustrating enough. We have to split up. Roy chases him from the left, Brody from the right and I'll chase him from behind! Go!" I give them instructions and speed up my pace. It won't take long for me to finally tackle him. ,,Got you!" I say and hold his head on the asphalt, while I'm holding his left arm in an impossible way.

,,Ouch, you're hurting me."

,,Aw boo-hoo, do you want to call your daddy?"

,,Shut up!" I pull his arm.

,,No, you shut up! You are going to tell me who send you and why you set our house on fire!"

,,Why should I do that?" I start laughing a little bit and pull my knife out of my pocket. I get a little closer to his ear and put the knife behind it.

,,Because I know ways to torture people like you." He remains silent and I grab his hair and let him sit on his knees. Brody and Roy are standing behind me now. ,,Brody, check out his car." I say and see Brody walk over his red truck.

,,You won't find information in there." The guy tells me.

,,I probably won't."

,,Then why are you looking through my car?!" I cut him on the cheek with my knife.

,,Don't yell at me, boy!" I say and set the knife on his chest. ,,You are going to answer a few questions and if you dare to yell again, the cut on your cheek won't be the last cut. Do you understand?" He just looks at me without saying anything. I put the knife into his right arm and he screams out of pain.

,,Pull it out!" He yells. I shake my head and put my other knife in his thigh-bone. ,,Ah!"

,,Roy, didn't I tell him not to yell?" I look over at my partner.

,,Yes you did."

,,Hmm." I look back at the boy. ,,What shall I do about your misstep?"

,,Please," He starts begging and looks at me. ,,remove the knives and I'll tell you everything you want to know."

,,That's what I like to hear, but if you yell or try to run away I will kill you." He nods and I remove both of the knives. He suppresses the scream that wants to come out of his mouth and keep looking at me.

,,Okay, here we go." I look at Roy and Brody, who has returned from the car without anything. They understand my gaze within one second and that's faster than Connor. Connor never understood my silent signs. Brody and Roy are holding their guns. ,,What's your name?"


,,Who are you working for?"
,,Did he told you to set the house on fire?"
,,Yes. I had to look if the Bellas were inside and if they were, I had to bring a little fire."
,,You almost killed them!"
,,That was supposed to happen. Patrick talked to Mike and found out your weakness."
,,I don't have a weakness."
,,You have and her name is Chloe Beale. I understand why you fancy her, she's pretty but you're getting weak by protecting her." I punch him, making sure his nose bleed and put his head back on the asphalt. 

,,Don't talk about her!" Chloe doesn't make me weak, she's the reason I don't kill that much anymore. 

,,You let your guard down whenever she's around. It's going to be easy for Patrick." 

,,Shut up!" 

,,What is Patrick planning?!" Brody helps me putting pressure on him. 

,,He wants to kill the Barden Bellas and use Chloe. He wants to use all his fantasies on her, but don't worry she probably won't feel anything." I grab his hair and pull him up again. 

,,What does he want to do to Chloe?" 

,,Oh you know, the regular things when someone gets kidnapped." 

,,I can think of a few things." Roy says and I know what he means. My anger is getting stronger and all I want to do is to kill him. I punch him again, hard against his chest. Patrick won't kidnap her! You won't get away with what you did! Chloe will be save! 

,,He won't get her, not while I'm alive." I tell him and he starts laughing. 

,,Patrick knows his ways." He smirks and I punch him again, which gives him a black eye. Brody walks up to me a little. 

,,What are you going to do with him?" I hear him whisper to me. I sigh and release him from my grasp. 

,,I let him go." I say.

,,Say what?!" Roy looks at me as if I've lost my mind. ,,He set the house on fire and almost killed Chloe and you're letting him go?!" 

,,Yes." I look towards Jason. ,,Get into your car and drive away from here. Flee the city, move to another country, do whatever you want but don't come anywhere near the Bellas, Chloe or Atlanta again." He nods and walks back to his red pickup truck. 

,,Have you lost your mind?!" Brody doesn't understand my choice to let him go.

,,Brody, I've promised Chloe that I wouldn't kill anymore." 

,,Things we do for love." Roy says and winks at me.

,,It was a mistake to let me go." Jason grabs something out of the truck and points it at me. Seriously?! I let him go and he threatens me with a gun?!  He walks up towards us and shoots. One bullet disappears into Roy's leg, one in Brody's arm and one into my left shoulder. 

,,Dude, wtf!" I yell and shoot back but not three times. I fire the gun and several bullets go into his chest. I don't stop until Jason lies on the asphalt, motionless. Despite our injuries, we get over to where Jason's dead body lies. ,,Never shoot me again, freak!" I say and shoot him between his eyes. ,,Don't ever sneak up on me like that!" Another bullet disappears into his belly. ,,You should've known better, you freaking asshole!" And now two bullets I let disappear into both his legs. 

,,Beca, he's dead." Roy calms me down. ,,Now, let's go back to the house. Chloe must be out of shock by now." Chloe!  By hearing her name, all I want is to lie in bed with her. Just being close to her, cuddle her and kiss her... Oh, my God, she really means everything to me! I am different because of Chloe!  

,,Let's go home." I say to them and we hurry back to the house. I will get someone to get rid of Jason's body, just like I did with Connor but right now, all I want and need is Chloe! 

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