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I'm taking one last look around in our bedroom. Chloe and the girls are on a trip to forget about Chloe's kidnapping, but I stayed in. I'm leaving and I suck at saying goodbye, especially to Chloe. She is the love of my life, but I've put her in danger. The best thing to do is to leave them all behind. It might be the safe way, but I don't think there's another choice. 

There are so many people dead because of me. Sara, Nate, Jillian, Wesley, Ava, Juliana... They're all dead because they hung out with me. Yes, I killed Lily and Connor but only because they double-crossed me. Lily was Esther and she was the mole, putting the Bella's in danger and Connor knew that Mike was the one shooting Sara and never told me. I had to kill him for that because he knew how much Sara meant for me. 

I walk over to my bedside table and grab the picture in the frame.

I still don't know why Amy toke the picture before we kissed, but Chloe loved this picture

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I still don't know why Amy toke the picture before we kissed, but Chloe loved this picture. I put the frame back in its place and look at the holes in the door. I lost my temper and made them afraid of me. I go with my hand into my pocket and take out the letter that I wrote for Chloe. This is the best thing to do. I hope you understand, Chlo. I lay the letter on top of her pillow and leave the room before I burst into tears. 

When I come back downstairs, I stop for a second inside the living room. This room has so many memories. I put my hand on the couch. Every Friday night we would sit here with each other and hold a movie marathon. I always tried to get out of those, but Chloe could always convince me into staying. I smile at the thought. Cuddling up to Chloe is one of my favorite things. We are pretty close and I'm really going to miss her. I sigh and remove my hand. This is the best way. Without me in their lives, they're safe. Chloe could get married to someone who doesn't put her life in danger every two minutes, maybe even some kids?! I flinch at the thought of Chloe having children from somebody else. I walk back to the hallway, where my suitcase is already packed. Oh, I hate to leave you behind Chlo, but there's no other choice. If I stay you'll be still in danger and I can't bear that. I feel a tear slide of my cheek but I don't care anymore. I just need to get out of here as soon as possible because if Chloe or some other Bella returns and catch me leaving, they won't let me. I grab my suitcase and opens the front door while taking another look at the inside of our new house. Just leave, Beca. I let out another sigh before closing the door. 

,,I'm sorry." I say out loud, assuming nobody can hear me, but I'm wrong because when I turn around, Aubrey stands in front of me.

,,Sorry for what?" She asks me. Hasn't she noticed my suitcase? 

,,You scared me."

,,Well, sneaking out is your specialty. Where are you going?" She points towards my suitcase. 

,,I'm leaving."

,,You're what?!" I didn't think she would find that difficult. We are friends, but not that close and she used to hate me.

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