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I can't get Sara out of my head. I celebrated her birthday yesterday but I don't feel happier or satisfied at all, I'm angrier. I am in the same state I was when Sara just died. Closed off, angry, hurt, and searching for revenge. I can feel my feelings fading, my feelings for the Bellas, for my remaining family, and Chloe. It's frustrating because Chloe is the most important person in my life. My feelings won't be gone, just off until I'm sure Chloe or the Bellas are safe. I'm up already and it's only 5 AM. Chloe lies upstairs having sweet dreams but I can't rest until I've killed Mike and Patrick. I need to do something and fast!  I grab my phone and call the only person I know who can help me.
Beca, are you okay?
Yes, Roy, I'm fine. I just can't rest until I've killed Mike or Patrick. It's time for the next step.
Are you sure?
Absolutely. Yesterday I celebrated Sara's birthday but at the same time, it tricked something. I need to put this to an end. I need to protect Chloe!
Well if you kill Patrick, Mike has no power anymore.
What do you mean?
Wait, don't you know?
Know what?
Mike and Patrick are working together.
What?! I grab a kitchen knife and throw that into the door. I should've killed him two days ago. That fucking moron! Letting me believe he was on my side this whole time. He fucking hired me to protect Miley!
Beca, calm down. I know where we can find one of Patrick's pawn.
Miami, Florida.
Florida? But I can't leave the girls all alone.
You won't. Devon offered to guard the house with Kevin.
Well, what are you waiting for? Get their asses over here!
We will be there in half an hour with Devon and Kevin. 
Just hurry!
I quickly hang up the phone and let out a frustrating sigh. I should probably enlighten the girls but it's 5.30 AM. It's way too early for them to be awake and I don't want to worry them. I walk over to the aquarium. I want to drown someone. My killer instinct is kicking in. One wrong move from anyone and they'll be dead in seconds.
,,Beca? What are you doing up this early?" Miley walks over to me.
,,I couldn't sleep. There are pawns of Patrick in Miami and I have to go."
,,But what about us?"
,,Devon and Kevin are going to keep an eye on you guys when I'm gone."
,,How long are you planning to stay in Miami?"
,,Until I've illuminated every pawn of Patrick."
,,So they're no longer in Australia?"
,,Of course not. They're around here for months now. It's a matter of time before they know we're here."
,,What do we do?"
,,Oh you guys won't do anything. You aren't trained as we did. You won't survive one second with Patrick, Mike, or their pawns."
,,Then train us. Beca, we have the right to defend ourselves."
,,No. I can't let you be a target. This is my fight and it stays my fight."
,,Okay fine, but what about Chloe? Have you thought about what you're going to tell her?"
,,Not yet," I start but get interrupted by the doorbell. ,,but I'm sure I'll get an idea." I open the door and to my surprise, Roy is holding some guy. He throws him on the ground and walks into the house, followed by Matt, Alex, Brody, Devon, and Kevin. ,,Who the hell are you?" I ask the guy Roy was holding.
,,He was spying on the house. I think it's a spy from Patrick." Says Brody.
,,YOU!" I yell a little louder than expected but I don't care. I grab him by his collar and drag him with me into the living room. I pin him against the wall and put my knife into his shirt to hold him at his place for now. ,,Who are you working for?!" I ask him and notice footsteps on the stairs.
,,Beca what are you doing up so early, it's -" Aubrey stops talking when she sees Brody, Alex, Devon, Kevin, Matt, and Roy. ,,Wait, what's going on here?"
,,Just a little interrogation. You are welcome to sit and watch but stay out of my way!" I say and growl. Chloe looks at me with fear but doesn't get away. She sits down, followed by the other Bellas and I turn back to the guy who's frightened of me. ,,Answer my question!" He keeps quiet.
,,Don't test her!" Roy slaps him. ,,Just answer her question."
,,You can't stop him."
,,That's not what I asked!" I slap him this time.
,,I work for Patrick but you can't stop him. His next move is the best move ever and it involves your precious girlfriend." He looks at Chloe.
,,Take another look at her and you're dead!" I warn him.
,,You already get me stuck against the wall, what else can you possibly do?" I grab my other knife and put it against his throat.
,,I can push it if I want to." I tell him and see him looking over to Chloe.
,,I understand that you like her Mitchell and it's a shame Patrick has to hurt her." My eyes spit fire. ,,Oh, don't worry she won't even feel a thing."
,,You shouldn't have said that." Alex, Matt, Kevin, Devon, Brody, and Roy take a step backward.
,,I said not to look at her!" I yell and remove the knife that's holding him in place. He falls onto the floor and I grab him by his hair. ,,You're going to tell me everything."
,,Why would I do that?"
,,Because she can hurt you really bad." Says Alex and I smirk.
,,She's right and she's the soft one of us four. She only kills because I tell her to." He rolls his eyes and he shouldn't have.
,,Oh now you've done it!" I yell and look around the room. The Bellas are looking at me with a lot of fear but I don't care. He dared to look at Chloe and I warned him. I walk over to the aquarium. ,,Talk!" He shakes his head and I lose it. I grab him by his head and push him down into the water of the aquarium. He tries to get out of my hold but fails. I keep him under for a minute before giving him time to catch his breath. ,,How did you know where to find us?" He doesn't talk and I push him back into the water for another minute. ,,What has Patrick planned out?" When he still refuses to tell me anything, I push him back into the water but this time I won't pull back. I push him even more while standing on my toes. Not too long otherwise he'll be drowned before you have answers. Just one minute more until he doesn't have any breath left or stop struggling.
,,Becs please stop!" I hear the begging voice of Chloe but I won't stop. He needs to tell me everything about Patrick and what he's planning. I pull him back and throw him against the wall.
,,Tell me!" I yell and throw a knife into his arm. ,,Tell me what Patrick is planning!" And another knife comes into his left leg. Good, now he can't run. The guy can't talk tho because he's still trying to catch his breath from almost drowning. ,,Brody, give me my gun."
,,No Beca stop!" Chloe and Miley run up to me.
,,Becs this isn't you." I turn towards Chloe and look her in the eyes.
,,You don't know me!" Brody gives me a gun. ,,Now leave so I can do my job!" I know it's hard and that Chloe might be scared but this is what I'm supposed to do. My feelings for Chloe only distracted me from my real mission. Chloe takes a step back and stays close to Aubrey but Miley won't leave. ,,Miley get away from me!" I yell at her.
,,No, this isn't you." I point the gun at her and they all startle.
,,Beca this is not the solution." Emily tries and I just laugh sarcastically.
,,Shut up!" I look at the Bellas. ,,He spied on you and you want to let him get away with that? Well not on my watch!"
,,This isn't you!"
,,This is exactly who I am, Amy! I'm a cold-hearted killer. I'm not capable of loving someone! I should be locked up and you all know it."
,,Then why are you still alive?"
,,Shut up!" I yell and shoot the guy in his belly. From that point, I turn off my emotions and walk up to him. ,,Now you're going to tell me whatever I want to know or -" I wait a minute and pull out the knife that was in his arm. ,,I'll cut off your fingers one by one."
,,You wouldn't dare." I raise my eyebrows and cut his pinky from his left hand.
,,Beca!" Yells Chloe and runs up to me.
,,Brody, keep her away from me!" I look her in her eyes. Damn, why do I feel? She truly has a spell on me! ,,I don't want to hurt you." I say softly so only Chloe can hear me. I can see tears in her eyes.
,,Please don't do this." She begs me again. I put my focus on Chloe. What are you doing?! Finish him!
,,I have to, he threatened you. I need to protect you and I won't rest until you're safe."
,,Chloe come on." Aubrey helps Chloe get away from me and they disappear into the hallway. They're probably going upstairs. The other Bellas follow them, which means Alex, Matt, Devon, Kevin, Brody, Roy, and I are alone. I turn my attention back to the guy.
,,Look, I know who you're working for. Just tell me what Patrick is planning."
,,No, you're too soft." He tells me. In a second his ring finger lies on the floor, next to it a ring.
,,Oh, you're married huh? Does your wife knows you're working with the enemy?"
,,Leave Clarissa out of this!"
,,So she doesn't know. Interesting!" I look towards Alex over my shoulder. ,,Lex, can you find more about Clarissa?"
,,I'll try but then I have to know her last name."
,,That can be arranged." I look back at the guy.
,,Oh no, I won't tell you anything." I sigh.
,,You want to walk out with two fingers on each hand huh?" I don't wait for his answer and cut off his pinky on his right hand. He screams out in pain.
,,It's Lopez." He says and I give Alex a nod. She sits behind my laptop and starts to type.
,,Good choice to tell. Now if you don't want to lose more fingers, tell me what is Patrick planning?"
,,He wants to come here, kidnap Chloe Beale, and set the house on fire so the other Bellas will die." What?! The blood inside of me is boiling.
,,And when is he coming?"
,,The day after tomorrow."
,,And where is Patrick?"
,,In Miami, but I guess you already knew that." He smirks. I cut off his ring finger from his right hand.
,,Don't be cocky!"
,,I have information about Clarissa, Beca." Alex tells me and I get up while walking to her.
,,Oh look at that. She's very pretty and pregnant. Would be a shame if I have to beat her up until you won't recognize her anymore."
,,You won't touch her."
,,I won't if Patrick won't hurt Chloe."
,,You have no idea who you're up against."
,,No you don't know what I'm capable of. Now listen," I walk back towards him and kneel in front of him. ,,I'm going to let you walk out of here but you will tell Patrick that I'll come for him okay?" He nods and I give him a bandage. He tight it around his hand and stumble up. He barely can't walk but he managed to get out of the house.
,,Why didn't you kill him?" Brody asks me.
,,Chloe wouldn't want me to kill him and I promised her not to kill anymore."
,,She has quite the effect on you huh?" Roy smirks and I smile a little.
,,Yeah, she means everything to me." I look over to Alex. ,,Now book us a ticket to Miami and pack your bag. Alex, Roy, and Matt, you three are coming with me and help me kill Patrick. Devon, Brody, and Kevin are staying here and protect the Bellas!" Alex buys four tickets to Miami and they leave the house to pack their things. I will get you Patrick and this will be over tomorrow!

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