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Beca's point of view•
,,You didn't have to come with me, it was just the supermarket." Jess, Brandon's wife, says to me when we're on our way back to the house.
,,Yes, I did. You can be in danger because you're helping me. As long as I can fight, I will protect the people I care about. I've spent two weeks inside his mansion, so I needed some fresh air."
,,You know, I never thought you would leave Mike. You were committed to him, you killed so many people because he wanted them dead."
,,I know I did and I regret it but I kinda lost it when Sara got killed. It was my fault. She's dead because of me."
,,What are you talking about?!"
,,You heard me. Protecting Chloe, the Bellas and my family is a second chance. I have to protect Chloe now."
,,Wow, you must really love this girl."
,,I do." I sigh when I think of all the time I lied to her.
,,You okay?"
,,Not exactly. I'm scared. I honestly don't know what to do when she knows the truth." I laugh sarcastically. ,,I don't care what people say or think about me, but Chloe - she's different. I can't lose her."
,,If she's the one for you, she will stay with you despite your story."
,,I hope that you're right. I never thought I was able to fall in love with someone but Chloe is special."
,,She will listen and love you." I just smile towards Jess. I hope that she's right. I have to talk to Chloe and tell her everything but I'm so scared! I can't handle losing her! I pull on the driveway and frown when I see an unknown car parked in front of the house.
,,Do you expect guests?" I look at Jess but she shakes her head. Immediately my guard goes up and I grab my gun.
,,Is it really necessary to go inside with your gun?"
,,Yes because that car could be Mike's. I can't let him hurt you or Brandon." Jess nods and leaves the car. I lock the car and carefully go inside the house. I close the front door with a force so Brandon knows I'm home.
,,Ah Beca, you came just in time. We have a guest." He tells me but it could be a trap. Jess walks past me so she can be the first one to go into the living room. Silly girl. She's falling for the trap but I won't. I have to act tho.
,,Brandon, there's a car outside and I'm afraid that-" I can't finish my sentence because of Chloe. She's standing there in front of me now. I lower the gun and am surprised to see her here. Kevin said she was with Connor. He told me she was staying with Connor... oh wait, that was yesterday! ,,Chlo." I say and my brother gets up.
,,We'll leave you two alone."
,,Chlo, you're not supposed to be here. You just put yourself in great danger."
,,We're supposed to tell each other everything, aren't we?" She asks me with tears in her eyes. ,,Beca, Connor told me the truth. That you work for him. You lied to me for years. I thought you loved me."
,,I do love you."
,,I don't know if I can trust you. You were his spy, you arrived at Barden with a mission. Protecting Miley Stewart, finding a mole inside the Bellas and using me to find out information about my mother." I could've expected this. She's mad at me and the way she looks at me hurts me. She's broken by the news and I can seriously kill myself because of making her sad.
,,I'm so sorry Chlo, I -" My breath hitch for a moment while tears fill my eyes.
,,No, don't do that." She keeps looking at me. ,,I want to hate you and tell you how angry I am but I can't. The last two weeks I was scared that Mike killed you, but seeing you alive - I feel thankful and relieved that you're okay."
,,Everything I said to you, I really meant it. How I feel about you, our moments. I wanted to tell you the truth so many times but I couldn't. First I saw you kiss Tom and I got jealous. I wanted to hurt him but I didn't because you mean the world to me. The second time I wanted to tell you the truth, your mom found out about my mission and told me not to tell you. I choose to lie to you because I'm afraid that you don't like who I am. I'm an assassin, a cold-hearted killer... a monster."
,,You are not a monster, Beca."
,,I am. I assume you know everything now also about my sister?" Chloe nods. ,,Sara was everything to me after my mother died of cancer. That day she got killed - I'm the reason she got killed. It was my fault! I couldn't handle the loss so I became the most successful assassin ever. Mike promised me revenge on my father who abused me, Sara and my mother, but I never got it. I killed so many people and not even guilty ones. I killed for fun until now. I feel guilty about everything I've done and I'm trying to protect the people that are most important to me. Chlo, you are so important to me and it will break my heart if you would walk away from me now but I will understand."
,,Beca, you're not a bad person and I can never hate you. I love you okay?! You are not a monster, Mike made you one. Connor told me that Mike was the person who killed Sara, not James. The one you need to go after is Mike."
,,So that's what he was talking about!" I say through gritted teeth. ,,Mike killed Sara," I look at Chloe and she just nod. Wait a minute. Connor told Chloe Mike killed Sara... did he know about that?! Did Connor know I killed the wrong guy for killing my sister? My mind goes back to James. ,,I killed the wrong guy!" Guilt takes over my body once again. I killed an innocent man! Oh, I'm feeling sick! I calm down because of Chloe who grabs my hand. 
,,Yeah, all of that is true but that's something we have to talk about later. Beca, I want to be with you but I don't want more lies. No more secrets. I want to be here for you through everything. Can you tell me everything from now on?"
,,I can do that." I don't dare to smile because I'm still afraid she will stand up and just leave. ,,I'm sorry for everything. I can leave my life behind if you want that."
,,Oh no. You need this job to get revenge on your father."
,,I need you more." I lean in and she closes the distance. This kiss is made with so many emotions. We're both crying but we don't care. 

,,So, what are we going to do now?" I ask her when we part

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,,So, what are we going to do now?" I ask her when we part.
,,Wait, we?"
,,Yeah now you know the truth I won't let you go. You can help us now."
,,Detective Beale." She says and I laugh. ,,That suits me." She smiles and lays her head on my shoulder. I'm so happy Chloe isn't mad at me. Well, at least not now. I wonder what she will do, think or say when she sees me actually kill someone.

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