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No one's point of view

Eloise Beale and Aubrey Posen are sitting in the living room together discussing the events of this morning.

,,Don't you think you were a little tough on Beca?" Aubrey asks the other woman.

,,I don't think so, I was clear. What she's doing is the same thing all of us are doing."

,,Lying to Chloe and living in a cage?" Now Eloise looks towards Aubrey with a serious look.

,,Watch your tone with me."

,,Beca was right. We cannot keep doing this. Eloise, you said that now we must make a plan, but the only thing we've been doing is – well, nothing. What's wrong? Why aren't you thinking of a plan? Don't you want to help Beca out of there?" Eloise just ignores the question and that's when it hits Aubrey. ,,Oh, my God. You're scared."


,,Why are you so scared?"

,,Because I don't know what to do!" Eloise yells to the girl.

,,Your fear is letting Mike getting away with everything and it's putting Beca into danger."

,,You don't like Beca either, you said it yourself."

,,I didn't like her, but I can see how much she cares about Chloe. You want Chloe to be happy right?"

,,Of course, I do, but you don't understand."

,,Then explain it to me. What's holding you back?"

,,Everything. Yes, we have Connor and Beca, but that's it. We don't have evidence to show what kind of person Mike is because he always sends people to do the work! It's not enough."

,,But you're making Chloe unhappy by not helping Beca. Chloe is in love with that girl and I know Beca will do everything for Chloe." Eloise sighs.

,,I just want to protect my daughter but all I do is killing her happiness."

,,Eloise, there is always a way."

,,Aubrey, this time -" They get interrupted by Joey, one of Eloise's bodyguards.

,,Mrs. Beale?" Both women turn their heads to the man. ,,We have a problem."

,,I hope it is not another problematic student, Joey. I'm not in the mood."

,,Not at all."

,,Then what is it?" Eloise gets up and walks over to the man.

,,It's about miss Mitchell. Someone attacked her."


,,Connor went over to the house to talk to Beca. They had a little fight and they wanted to make up, but when he entered the house everything was a disaster. There was blood and there was no sign of Beca Mitchell."

,,What did he say?" Eloise, Aubrey, and Joey turn around to find Chloe standing inside the living room.

,,Chloe, you shouldn't be -"

,,Don't mom, just answer me!"

,,You heard Joey right? Someone attacked Beca and she's missing."

,,No, that can't be. We have an appointment later this evening, she can't – no!" And Chloe runs out of the house.

,,Chloe!" Yells Aubrey, but she knows it's too late. 

Chloe's point of view

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