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The next day we have a day off from our Bella duties, but I'm having an appointment with Amy, Emily, Connor, and Miley to discuss what we have to do.

,,Are you and Chloe together now?" Amy smirks and I just nod.

,,We are taking it slow but I really like her."

,,So you told her everything?" Miley looks at me.

,,No, I couldn't."

,,What happened?" Asks Emily.

,,I was about to tell her when I saw her kissing Tom."

,,What?!" Amy stands up. ,,That -"

,,Don't say anything bad about her, Ames!" I point my finger in her direction. ,,That was three years ago and I have her now. I won't let her go."

,,You better not. I haven't seen her this happy in years." Says Emily and smiles.

,,Are you afraid?" Connor knows me better than the rest of the crew. I slowly nod.

,,I'm afraid to lose her. Mike knows about her, so I don't doubt that other enemy's know her too. I have to protect her."

,,And you will. I highly doubt that Patrick knows about Chloe. As far as I know, he's in Australia looking for us. Do you know how big Australia is?"

,,When are you going to tell her everything?" Emily asks me.

,,I don't know if I should."

,,Beca -"

,,No Connor. Remember Jane?"

,,Of course, I do, she was gorgeous and a perfect girl for one-night-stands."

,,Yeah but stupidly enough I fell in love with her and told her everything."

,,What happened?" Miley is obviously curious.

,,She walked away from me and works for Patrick now."

,,So next time you run into a pawn of Patrick -"

,,It can be Jane and then I have to kill her."

,,Chloe will never work for Patrick." Amy says full of confidence.

,,You don't know that! What if she walks away just like Jane? I never felt like this for anyone."

,,Aw!" Emily smiles.

,,Let's talk about our mission." Connor begins but gets interrupted by Miley.

,,Wait! Beca, can you tell us about one mission?" I look towards Connor. He knows I don't like to tell about our missions.

,,I'll tell you." He says and I give him a thankful look. They look at Connor and he starts to tell them the story. ,,Beca was dressed in her assassin's gear and watched her target..."

Her target, Mr. Long, was a manager of a brothel that was secretly run underground. Mr. Long had been selling underaged girls for sex and used there earned money for himself. Whenever a girl tried to escape, he killed them. Beca was so full of the horror of that act, that she desperately wanted that job. She got the job and we got there at night. Beca put her mask on when she notices that Mr. Long turns off his bedroom light, before jumping down off the roof landing silently and gracefully. I followed her and saw her looking around. I followed her gaze and found guards surrounding the property before following Beca who sneaked around the corner and towards the front door. A guard is standing at the door and she calls him out with a loud whistle. When the guard walked down to check it out, Beca grabbed him, wrapped her arms around his neck in a sleeper hold until he passed out. She grabbed the keys from the guard's belt and continued her way into the house.

,,What happened next? You killed him?" I nod.

,,The deadliest predator is the one you cannot see." I tell her and she raises her eyebrows. ,,That's something Mike once told me in one of his training. I stopped behind a corner and glanced around..." I continue the story.

When I noticed that no one was there, I made my way around and up the stairs. When I arrived near the top, I spotted a guard and dropped my head. I pulled out one of my small darts and throw-ed it, hitting the guard in the side of the throat. I just watched as the guard fell to the ground unconscious before moving around, pulling his body into a room and re-shutting the door. I got to Mr. Long's bedroom door and saw the window beside me. I did choose the window and landed onto the edge of the building. Not long after that, I entered through Mr. Long's window, touching the ground with my feet with no sound. I looked over my target. He was sleeping soundly in his bed and saw my chance. I pulled out my syringe from my back pouch and injected it into the side of his neck. Mr. Long woke up when he felt the pinching feeling and looked around frantically to find no one in his room.

,,Wait a minute!" Miley yells. ,,How is that even possible? I mean, you were there, right? You stabbed that syringe in his neck, right?" I nod and her eyes widen. ,,Are you that quick?" I nod again.

,,I've been trained that way."

,,Wow, I should never make you mad." Emily says startled.

,,Never underestimate an assassin." I only say and see that they're a little afraid.

,,Continue with the story." Amy says.

,,Are you sure?" They all nod and I continue my story.

He put a hand to his neck where I stabbed him with the syringe and immediately a fever started to rise in his body, exactly as I planned. A pain developed in his chest appeared after that, which developed into stumbling to the bathroom. He started the scream for help, but I knew nobody could help him. He was about to die. He started to vomit and lay down into his own vomit. As you can guess by now, Mr. Long died that night from Arsenic poisoning, that's one of my favorite choices of killing.

,,What's the other?" Emily asks me.

,,Causing someone a heart attack, which both can be seen as natural deaths, overdose, and heart attack."

,,I can't believe you did that." It hurts Miley.

,,Miles, I was broken. Sara died and Mike was training me harder than the rest of the group. I couldn't fail, I wanted to be the best so I can get revenge on my father one day. I failed so many times, so it just made me fight that much harder."

,,The way Beca killed, was the only way to keep the league a secret. We were a myth, we have been described as ruthless and creative in our kills. Our team was the best in hiding in the shadows and taking the souls of people doing wrong."

,,So, wait." Emily interrupts Connor and looks at me. ,,You're only killing those people because they were doing something wrong and illegal?" I nod.

,,I couldn't kill people just like that."

,,Mike didn't like that." Connor says and I show them a picture of me after Mike beating me up.

,,I think you're the bravest I have ever met." Amy says and pulls me into a hug.

,,Well, according to Mike and other members I'm the most ruthless." They start laughing and I raise my eyebrows surprisingly.

,,I'm sorry," Starts Emily. ,,but you're not ruthless. You only killed the people who were doing the wrong things, people who sold underage girls... I'm glad you're my friend because if someone wants to hurt me, you'll have my back." I gesture that I will kill them if they try to hurt her.

,,You have to tell Chloe everything when you get the chance." They all tell me and I know they're right but what if Chloe leaves me? Miley notices my doubt and put her arms around me.

,,She won't leave you, she loves you." She says and I just sigh, while letting her hold me. I hope you're right, Miley. I really do because I can't live without her anymore! 

Target (sequel to Undercover)Where stories live. Discover now