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,,We're going to have so much fun!" Yells Emily when we are getting ready for tonight. Roy and I found someone who wanted to take the blame for Connor's death and we got rid of the guns and suits. Chloe wasn't that happy about our plan but she also knew she couldn't bear to visit me in jail so she accepted it.
,,I can't believe I said yes to this night."
,,Oh come on Becs, it's just one night. Let your guard down for once."
,,I can't, Em. Patrick and his pawns are still out there! I'm failing at my job to protect Miley."
,,You feel like you're failing?"
,,That's obvious, right? Back when I was an assassin and got a task I finished that same task without two weeks!"
,,But you've changed. You want a relationship, you want to hang out with friends and not be on duty all the time."
,,I feel like I wasting my time."
,,You aren't wasting time. The mole is very good at hiding. Sometimes everyone needs time. You will catch her but you need to think about yourself too. Have fun, live your life and don't think about what could go wrong." Emily knows what to say and I know she's right but I have to keep focused. I'm not only protecting Miley but I'm protecting Chloe and the other girls too. If Patrick gets one of them, I'll never forgive myself.
,,You always know something to say huh?" I say and Emily smirks.
,,I know you want to protect us but tonight is about the Barden Bellas and not some lame guy who wants to hurt Miley."
,,You're right. I can hold my guard down for one night."
,,Now that's the spirit!" She pushes me towards the closet. ,,Now grab something to wear tonight because you have to make sure to keep Chloe tonight." And she gives me a wink. I sigh and playfully sticks out my tongue at her. She's something alright. I love her as my sister and I will lose my mind if something happens to her. I step inside my closet and watch my clothes. I know I just have to grab some clothes but I want to impress Chloe. I haven't spent much time with her lately because of my job but I want that tonight's going to be a night she never forgets. A knock on the door interrupts my search and I turn around.
,,Do you have a minute?" It's Miley and immediately my guard isn't down anymore.
,,What's wrong?"
,,I just feel a little guilty."
,,About what?"
,,Well everything. You lost Connor and I can't help but think it's my fault." Wow, what?! No, nothing that I do is your fault. Where do you even get that idea from?!  I walk over to her and grab her hands.
,,Don't you ever think that again! Nothing I did or about to do to people is your fault okay? Connor betrayed me and that betrayal was about Sara, not you."
,,But you wouldn't have known if I didn't need protection."
,,That's true and I'm happy that you needed my protection." I let her sit down on my bed. ,,Without you, I hadn't found out Connor betrayed me years ago. He knew what Mike was planning and didn't prevent it. Sara was everything to me and he just let her die."
,,So you only got mad because of Sara?"
,,The only thing to get me mad is talking about Sara. I don't talk about her much but everyone who's close to me knows how much she meant to me. She saved me from my abusive father, she was there for me when my mother died of cancer and she took me into her house. She took care of me and one day I had to do it all by myself."
,,Wasn't that hard?"
,,Oh absolutely." I pull up my shirt to reveal my stomach. ,,Do you see these scars?" She nods and looks me in the eyes. ,,I did that to myself."
,,Because I blamed myself for Sara's death and sometimes I still do. I could've saved her myself by not calling her that day."
,,You needed her." I startle by Chloe's voice. I look up to her and see her standing in the opening of the door with her arms crossed. ,,You told me those scars were from losing a fight."
,,I'm sorry for lying okay? I just couldn't live with myself and I didn't know Connor knew about Mike shooting Sara. I fought harder than anyone and became a different person. Nobody recognized me anymore and never dared to get close to me. Nobody could come close to me until you." I can't believe I'm this honest with Chloe and Miley but those two are the most important persons in my life right now. I love Chloe with all of my heart and Miley is like a sister to me. Of course, I love Brandon, Jess, and my other siblings but it's not that strong because I didn't grow up with them. ,,You managed to break my walls and find my heart." Chloe smiles.
,,Well I love you too and tonight is going to be a lot of fun."
,,Karaoke!" Amy and Emily run into the room.
,,Okay is everyone coming inside now?!" Aubrey and Stacie come inside to while laughing hard. ,,Great." I roll my eyes and turn back towards Miley. ,,You okay?"
,,Yeah thank you." She says and gives me a hug.
,,Aw who thought Beca could be such a softy."
,,Shut up, Posen!" I say and point my finger at her.
,,Make me." Oh no, she didn't!
,,Don't dare me because you will lose that!" I warn her and she rolls her eyes.
,,Are you guys ready or are we going to spend the night here?"
,,No way, karaoke night it is!"
,,I know what I want to do tonight and it's not karaoke."
,,I know who you're going to do!" Amy yells and walks over to the door. ,,Chloe." And she runs out of the room immediately with Aubrey and Stacie laughing behind her. I look over to Chloe and she just blushes. She's cute. I walk over to her and whisper in her ear.
,,You know what? She is right tho, I want to do you tonight because you look sexy as hell in that dress you're wearing!" Proudly I walk out of the room to leaving Chloe in there. She probably needs to catch her breath before joining us. I hear Miley laugh and walk after me.
,,Nice move." She says and gives me a high five.

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