Dirty and Harassed

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I was about to enter my apartment when I felt my body forcefully being pulled back causing me to bump into what felt like a chest, a rock hard chest, and a man with huge muscles started chocking me from behind, I gasped as he'd completely caught me off guard.

"Mmm still as pretty and as innocent as I remember." He whispered with a Mexican accent and immediately I knew who it was.
Oh God! The nightmare begins again.

Can somebody give me a break!

He was strangling me so hard I could barely breathe, my throat was getting hot and my head was getting lighter by the second.

The atmosphere was tense and the room was dark and very quiet the only sounds that could be heard were from me greedily struggling for air, and the only light that could be seen were the city lights coming in through the window, my mind turned numb, I was so scared I could not say a word.

"So the little thing can't speak" he said, his voice smooth, licking the left side of my Chick with his tongue. He cupped my right boob in his hand violently pressing on my nipple and let go


Then he reached for something in his pockets and I heard the sound of something rip, it was my dress, he had used his pocket knife to rip my dress up tearing a sledge in it. I felt his rough hand move up my thighs and he stopped at my sensitive area grabbing it so tight that if it were possible it would have fallen off. I felt so violated a tear slid down my face as I helplessly struggled to get out of his hold.

His grip on my neck was still very strong, as he ripped my blouse off exposing my shoulder and he began placing rough kisses on the exposed skin.

"My Puta!  I almost forgot how soft your skin felt." He whispered, and with every kiss he placed creepy goosebumps ran down my spine.

"No! please don't!" I pleaded as warm tears made their way slowly down my face, I could not handle the thought of having someone force themselves on me like that again. I mean I know most of the time I just try to block everything out, but I can't anymore, I'm just tired of all this harassment it's just not stopping anymore.

"Mm now she talks," he let go of me and slammed my body hard against the wall , forcefully pinning it to the wall. he violently entered his tongue in my mouth, I tried to push him away but he immediately pressed his shiny pocket knife to my throat pressing so hard I could feel a sting and something wet run down my neck.

"Bad Move Puta he said, "Fernando did not like that at all Fernando doesn't like rejection." he ran the knife down my chest tearing my blouse away,  completely exposing my body,
I wanted to die
The Shame!
"Won't you look at that" he said greedily licking his lips, (disgusting) "how I would love to handle all that." using his knife again, he cut my bra so that my very abnormal saggy chubby boobs were exposed then I felt his bulge build up against me as his body was pressed hard on mine.

He sucked on my neck leaving a very painful hickey and slowly kept tracing kisses all the way down to my boobs, he looked at them greedily and cupped them both before taking my right nipple into his mouth.

"Your scent, it turns me on"

I whimpered as warm tears flooded my face and I couldn't stop pleading.

"Please just please" I felt so powerless it hurt

I had given up hope already and was just waiting for whatever that was going to happen.

"Stop whining you're killing my mood," he said chocking the life of me not only that but causing the cut he had left ai my throat to hurt even more

"But Don't worry your Fat ass Puta, Louis heard about you and your fancy Job, he is giving you two Months to get everything together and if not..."

He looked me straight in the eye while grabbing my ass bringing me closer to him so that our privates would touch "YOU ARE ALL MINE" he said almost as if he was spelling it out then he threw me back against the wall so hard that its a miracle I did not pass out. as I was groaning and crying  he lifted my face and looked at me in my tear filled eyes.

"My Pretty Puta." He said giving me a back slap that knocked me straight to the ground. I covered my face and used my left hand to protect my tummy, expecting the usual kicks that come with the blows but there was a sudden silence throughout the room.

He left. Leaving me there broken and traumatized.
I cried so much my eyes were almost shut, not from sleep but tear bags.
It took me a while to get up from the floor where I had Been crying.

I got up only after I felt my neck sting from the tears and then I remembered that I almost lost my throat. I got up to take a shower.

I felt so dirty, I hated myself, I hated my body, I could not even look at myself in the mirror. Why was I so weak? I was so mad I wanted to scream, shout, get mad hit something, I just wanted to somehow get rid of this pain.

Too bad I don't drink

So I did the one thing that helped me feel better,  I went to the mirror and got the sharp looking razor, it felt so good against my skin, it felt so good as it tore through my flesh ripping those arteries apart causing blood to drip into the sink. I felt so much better, at least now I could focus on a different pain, not the shame and assault that I'd been through, at least now this pain took priority.

When all that was done, I took a shower although it was all very useless because the water was not even close to being warm,
Bloody building why don't I just die? Why did Papa have to die alone in that accident?? why wasn't it both of us?
What use is my Survival? Is Papa even looking down on me from above??
All this I asked myself soaking my face with tears. Maybe next time when I cut myself I should go a bit deeper so I can put a quick end to this miserable life.

Minutes later

I dried my self up and got to bed, I didn't have much time before my next day began so I quickly put plasters on my neck and wrist and got to bed. It was 3O'Clock already but fuck it I needed to rest . I set my alarm for 7am and went to bed where I immediately drowned in sleep.


Okeyyyyy Woooooo This is what we have so far....yayyyy i must say I am really proud of myself and I hope those who will read it will love it too and poor Nelly right?

THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now