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"Jake what is going on? Why is there an older looking version of my Dead father sitting across me calling me names only my Papa would" I asked feeling a sting in my heart. A confused painful sting, scared of what I was about to hear because I am certain I would not in anyhow be delighted to hear any of what would be said today.

I looked at Jake waiting for him to say something my vision already being blurred by fresh tears, but I wouldn't let them fall, I mean why would I Cry??

"Why don't you take a seat and we can calmly talk about this."

"I don't need seats and I don't need calm, I need someone to explain to me the sick game that is happening here."

"Okay okay,,Umm you see baby when I was in Florida...and  my plane was giving me problems,I had to find someone professionally suited to fix it so I asked Dave to compile a list of the best Mechanics in that area and among the candidates he came across a certain Paul Lawrence, (he paused to swallow hard but my look remained stern) out of curiosity he did some more digging on the man and,,,, and here we are today. I... I contacted him, told him who I was told him about you and also asked him why a supposed dead man in his daughter's life is so actively alive." He spoke the last part with an angrier tone while he had been narrating the story in the softest tone he could use with me.

I on the other hand could not believe what I was hearing, my throat felt dry, my heart felt still and my head felt like like I was listening to some complicated French music that I did not understand because What the heck???

"Honey?? You don't look so good, we could just do this another time,," Jake softly said noticing the undreable look on my face. I took a look at this supposed undead Father of mine, and honestly I could not bare looking at him, I didn't know if I hated him or felt sorry for him one minute, I felt all this different emotions and the next I felt nothing at all. I put the plates back and attempted to walk out of the tension filled room but not before filling one of the bowls with some of that Good Good Ham, (baby 's gotta eat) I was stopped in my tracks  when the man called me with a very unfamiliar name,

"Lissa!!" He said in a tone which sounded like he's was also just remembering. And my heart almost stopped upon hearing that name, I immediately turned around to look at him

"Lisa,,,(he nodded) MonaLisa" and my mouth could almost be picked with a shovel from the ground.

"Oh won't you smile like Mona Lisa" I began singing silently

"Turn that frown to rainbows" he joined in

"When ever your feeling down" together now

"Just put your head on Daddy's Shoulder" we both ended off the last part and a lonely tear slid down my face.


emory took me back to when I was ten years old and my Papa got me from school I was in the third grade. Sunday was Mother's Day so we were told that we would be making cards for our Mommies, a mommy I didn't have or know, its was terrible because everyone spent the whole day talking about their mothers and the kind of cards they would make for them, and how much they could not wait to give the cards to their mothers who would intern probably buy them more expensive gifts.

"Hey gummy bear why the long face?" Papa asked trying to tickle my tummy as the car drove out of the school premises,

THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now