Furious Boss

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"Papa" a little girl s voice giggled, she looked so happy. She was in a park with her father and he was spinning her around and tickling her.
The little girl 's laughter changed and she started crying in sorrow, she was watching her dad walk into a Dark Misty forest, "Papa noo!! don't go there, don't leave me papa."
"Noo! papa Come back! Come back? Come back."

Suddenly I felt my body hit hard against something and immediately I was awake,

I had Fallen off the bed

Ahh! I hate this Fucking place, nothing is kind to me .

It was 0715 already Fuck! How did I not hear a thing what happened to my alarm?
I rushed to the shower and hoped there was still warm water, and for once luck was on my side.I had a quick shower dried myself and picked something that would not need much attention.

I pulled out my blue long sleeved peplum dress it did not need any ironing and it looked professional enough plus it could hide my messy wrists.

Then I put on some lipstick
And a little eyeliner to hide the eye bags, after that they did not show much.
I removed the plasters from my neck it was fucking painful.
The cut was still open, so I used a scarf and tied it into a cute little bow so that I looked like a flight attendant to cover up the wound . My hair was tied up in a very tight bun that almost pulled my eyes. I looked good enough.

I grabbed my office bag which had everything thing in it and rushed to get out of the apartment, when I realized that I still had my slippers on,
I rushed back in and grabbed my black kitten heels, locked the door and Rushed to the elevator. it was 0805 already. five minutes before all the buses would be finished.

The elevator seemed to be going at its slowest as it kept stopping at every floor I was getting anxious, and then the most unfortunate thing happened.

The elevator got stuck three floors to the ground floor.
I was devastated I wanted to cry, now I was more late than ever.

I tried to reach for my cellphone but it was not there, Fuck! It must have fallen out when that dickhead was busy strangling me. I was Doomed.

I had no other option but to wait, impatiently wait while the problem was being delt with, for all I knew we would be stuck in here for days considering how long it takes for this shit to be fixed.
I constantly kept checking my wrist watch and I was shamefully late,
Just as I was about to borrow a phone from someone we were stuck with, the elevator began moving. I felt Like hurling so many insults but I kept them in.
The elevator stopped at the ground floor and I stepped out to see a very stressed out Sam.
"Nelly my Darling oh pumpkin I am so sorry"
He said cupping my face in his hands to kiss my forehead.

"Its okey Sam," I breathed out "its not your fault that this building is a wreck.'
" But but...Oh no! Oh My! Nelly your eyes are you alright pumpkin? "

Sam was like my second Father he noticed almost everything about me I could not lie to him
"I am fine Sam they were here last night," I said "but they did not hurt me."
"Those bustards!" Sam was Furious but his tone was low "I will kill them!"
"No Sam don't speak like that I am fine and its all that matters. But I won't be if i don't get to work now. I really need to get going." I told him trying to change the subject

"Ohh the truck is here Today let me drive you hunny." He offered,
" But don't you have work to do? It seems pretty busy here today?"

"Not when it comes to my pumpkin I don't, you come first baby now let's go."

I followed Sam relieved because I didn't have a single cent to my name and I didn't know how I was going to get to work.

...........JAKE 'S POV

Arggg! if there is one thing I hate, its incompetence. This new girl who is supposed to be my assistant is really ticking me off. Where hell is she? Where is my coffee? where are my files?
I called her phone several times and there was no answer,
I picked up the phone to call reception.

"Mr Heandrason."

"Jessica get me Noa now!"

"Excuse me Sir Noa??"

"Yes Noa, Nora, Nola. What ever the hell her name is get me the new assistant on the line Now!"

"I am sorry Sir Miss Lawrence hasn't checked in yet but...."
Ahh I slammed the phone on the desk, I was very furious, this incompetent fool was slowing me down. I had a lot to do and her absence was holding me back I was losing money by the second.

Ahh it's times like this i Really miss Jenny, so much would be completed by now.
That idiot Better have a good reason for being this late or so help me god.

THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now