scars seen

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"Bye Sam thanks for the ride." I said as I jumped out of the truck.
God I hope I still have a job.
I went straight to reception I had already gotten Mr Heandrason his Coffee on our way here, helped save me the extra trip to the canteen plus this was the good stuff, apology typa ish, not that the man would even notice. Dear God if I don't die today then I know for sure that you love me.

"Morning Miss Darling" I greeted Jessica. she gave me that you are in trouble kind of look. my eyes widened slightly,
"I don't think he will be needing that." she said, handing me my access card pointing it at the cup in my hand. "And you had better have a very good explanation Miss Lawrence Mr Heandrason has been calling for you for the past two hours"

"Huhhh" I sighed talking the card, "wish me luck" I said walking over to the elevator.

I hate elevators.

My fear was increasing by the moment, "Dear God he can do anything to me just not fire me please" I prayed. I was so nervous my heart was literally beating at my throat
The elevator stopped and immediately I rushed to my office to put my stuff.
From there, I prepared for Mr Heandrason 's Rage.
I slowly opened the door to his office and got in already apologizing endlessly.
Only, there was no Mr Heandrason in the office could he be in the bathroom?
I decided to wait for a while but he did not seem to come back.

His phone was on his desk and so was everything else.

I called Jessica to ask if Mr Heandrason had gone anywhere, Today I was supposed to attend all his meetings with him to take minutes.
Jessica Said that He Had never left

I checked the whole floor and it was empty, almost spooking me out.

Something didn't feel right. It's still very creepy how one man would just want to have the whole floor to himself like that.

Passing by the dark room I heard sounds, sounded like someone was punching something then I remembered that Jessica said Mr Heandrason puts his gym gear in that room.

I walked over and slowly walked in to see a very Furious Mr Heandrason violently punching a punching bag.
He looked so angry it was scary.

"Umm...He He Hello Mr Heandrason" I Said

He gave me a death glare and didn't reply, he just continued punching.

"Mr Heandrason I am really sorry, thing is on my way to work the elevator in the building I live in Got stuck for what could be 30minutes, and my bag my phone was not there I tried to call....and by the time it was fixed the bus was long gone and Sam was he He gave me a ride but traffic was a nighymare and Mr Heandrason I am really sorry."

I was babbling, I could hear my tongue scramble every word I wanted to say.

He grabbed his towel slowly wiping away the sweat running down his neck,

Remind me again why he doesn't go to gym like every Normal person, orr or, like normal (Rich) people just have a gym in his house?

I noticed how well built his body was but didn't really have time to analyze and admire because I was so scared.

For Heaven's sake the man did not say a word, all that blabbing and he did not say a thing.

The silence was deafning.

"Go home Miss Lawrence."

He grabbed his bag and walked out.

Wtf! go home? is he insane? nooo he can't fire me, not on my second day, I just got this Job.

and Maria can't help me anymore, I would just, dear God I don't wanna go there.

"Mr Heandrason" running after him to his office.
"Mr Heandrason Sir,"
I grabbed his arm as he kept walking "please you can't fire me, I need this job it's all I have please Sir I know I messed up but if you give me one last chance I promise I won't let you down"

I couldn't hear myself anymore it felt like I was pleading for my life this was worse than last night's incidence. Then I started crying, not because I was about to lose my job.

I cried because here I was once again struggling for my survival, I cried because of the pain the pain of the struggle I was going through, I cried because of this shitty life I was living,
The life I could not find a reason to why it was so Fucked up.

I remembered my Papa
Flashbacks of the accident, the little girl in the Dream, The rape incidents, Fernando 's Visit, they all came flashing in my mind.

Everything was all so painful I don't know how I got the Point of thinking so deep, for a moment I forgot where I was.

I was pulled out of my trans being pushed back, I forgot that I was holding on to the man. He pushed me with so much force my body was slammed hard against the door, and my scarf fell off exposing my bruised neck with cuts.

"Miss Lawrence pull yourself together this is a place of work and nobody said anything about Firing. Just go home and come back when you are ready to work."He shouted after pushing me to the floor.

Jake s POV............

What the Fuck! why is she causing such a scene? Does she know the amounts of millions she cost me?

Why did I just say that, am I Fucking insane? of course I should fire her the idiot cost me a lot.

Time wasted is money lost and I lost a lot of it today all because of one stupid incompetent assistant who does not have any respect for time.
I don't give a fuck about her buildings and her elevators I only care about all the deals I could have sealed.

Look at her...she ....she...the fuck? she has bruises on her neck, and and that cut is very much open ouu! it must be very painful why would she hide that? Shouldn't she see a doctor?
.why do I care? why am I even concerned about her cuts?

"You Should get that checked" I said to her

what am I doing Check what?

"'s fine" she replied sniffling trying to wipe away her tears "it's nothing big"

"Doesn't look like its nothing big to me Miss Lawrence, what happened??"

Like I care what am I doing?

"It was my cat my cat yeah my cat" she replied.

"Your cat huh?"

"Yeah"she said dabbing her tears away before attempting you tie the scarf back

" owkey then. what's his name!"

Fuck Jake won't you stop already.

"Ummm his name? uhh he uh actually its a she and she isss uhhhh her name is umm tin ti Tinkerbell yes Tinkerbell."

"Tinkerbell huh?"

More lies how am I supposed to trust such a lire of an assistant? She could be spying for the enemy for all I know.

Nelly s POV.........

"And you had to think so hard about her name??" He said and i was stuck. Well, immediately breaking the silence so that I won't have to answer "she must be a very feisty cat," he said.
"A very feisty one indeed....even chews on furniture." I replied.

"Miss Lawrence, I run a multi million dollar company. I didn't get where I am because I am dum, I got here because I am a smart man and I am not easily fooled, now I suggest you stop lying and let me take you to the doctor."

"Mr Heandrason I am fine really you don't have to"

He stretched out his hand for me to take, as he was offering to take me to the doctor. What is this man doing ?
Is he insane? who fires you then takes you to the doctor.

THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now