New Beginnings

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"W ...why .... and why are there so many babies."

"They are yours munchkin, part of the reasons why you passed out, turns out you carried the whole of America inside that Tummy, you can thank me for buying all that baby stuff now," Jess Spoke with all the excitement in the world while Dave handed me the baby that was with him, and walked out looking rather uncomfortable with the whole situation.

"Tri,,,tri,,,,I have tri....
"Triplets Bitch say itt,,,,"Jessica was so excited kissing on the tiny being that was in her arms. I stopped for a moment as something clicked that I was holding my baby in my arms, I looked at her, her tiny hands balled up in tiny fists looking as peaceful as ever, her tiny lips sucking on nothing unable to open her little baby eyes.

"Hey baby, hey hunny, how you doing my little blueberry pie, welcome to the world. Mummy loves you sunshine." I Said kissing her fragile head, pure warmth feeling me up as I felt a flood of emotions rush through me and I couldn't stop crying, both Jess and Jake brought the babies they were holding for me to see and bond with, we had two beautiful girls and one handsome baby boy. I was still mad at Jake and felt sorry for Papa but my main focus now was my babies , my three musketeers.

"I name Mine little Jessica"

"It's not yours Jess they are my babies,"

"Yeah but..."
"No Jess! No!"
"Fine fine." Jess Sulked and the nurses came in to take the babies for more tests and shots, she tagged along because she couldn't stay way, (oh great! I've lost my best friend to my babies)

Now I was left alone with Papa and Jake in the room, the two men in my life and the two men that I really didn't feel like being around.

I looked at my poor old speechless Papa then I looked at stupid JAKE and felt more Fury towards him for not being there when I woke up but I pushed my anger aside glad that he kept at his promise of getting me my Papa, I just assumed that maybe that's why he left.

I looked at my Papa and my heart broke looking at the condition he was in, he looked like someone who has suffered a lot, I opened my arms motioning for him to come give me a hug, and he rushed filling a void I didn't know I had.

He sobbed hard and I couldn't help but join him. It's not always one gets to see their Father crying.
For the whole time we stayed like that, he couldn't stop saying how sorry he was, I actually felt guilty seeing my father like this.

I took his face in my hands and wiped away everything, then I smiled at him.
"Its okay Papa, don't be sorry, you did what you thought was right back then the important thing is that you did it all to protect me ."

"But,,, I was selfish,,I..."

"No, no, anyway all that shouldn't matter now, I'm just grateful I get to have a second chance with you." I said pulling him in for a gentle hug.
The nurses walked in with our babies,( wait where is Jess?) one leaving a baby with me the other with Jake, who has been silently watching me reunite with my father and the other Nurse handed a baby to papa who looked very scared to take it but I gave him an approving smiling and he carefully took the little bundle of joy.

"Say hi to Grandchildren Papa." I said softly as more tears escaped my eyes.

It's was such a magical moment, a blissful moment. One of the memories I shall cherish forever. I put my hand out for Jake to take and he did kissing on it, as we both looked with adoration at Papa bonding with his grandchild. "My perfect family, a whole new beginning." I whispered kissing on my baby.

Jessica 's POV........

I was about to go get snacks from the vending machine when I saw a familiar Figure disappear down the hall, I felt kind of bad for not giving him a chance to explain himself and assaulting him like that earlier on. I quickly ran after him all the way out to apologise, I got outside and saw him turning a corner,(Damn how fast can this man be)

THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now