I Fucking Deserve you

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Now this is my Best work yet, I know it took time, but hey😎you know what they say about perfection, it takes time.

I hope this chapter will be as enjoyable to y'alls as it was for me to type.
😭If y'alls don't comment on this one then I am giving up.

Vote please

Happy reading😘

Everything went smoothly, all the guests seemed to enjoy the event and Mr Jackson couldn't stop Congratulating me. I felt like my life finally had direction and badly wished my father was here to see me make something out of myself, a very good something at that.
I noticed that Mr Heandrason kept looking at me during the event but when I looked back at him he would look away so I finally walked up to him after he had finished talking to some clients."Can't keep your eyes to your self huh?" I playfully asked, "Well just checking to see if my fine China is safe that's all." He smirked.

"I don't suppose I am part of that fine China Mr Heandrason,"
"Well you do look fine Miss Lawrence but very unfortunately you are not Chinese now are you"
I stuck my tongue out at him and rolled over my eyes."Thank you, I told him, Without you this whole event would have never happened and I would be a huge failure."

"Hey don't sweat it, this project is part of my company also, and you can never be a failure Nelly so don't speak like that. Plus,,I couldn't risk losing millions,"we laughed at the last part of that Statement. I don't get what was funny but we laughed either way.

" Great Speech by the way"he said
"Ohh I thought you'd never say"
"Why wouldn't I? Come on it was perfect, just like the person who was giving it, you are perfect, and you look beautiful tonight" he replied and with every word he spoke the world around us seemed to be going slower by the second until I felt like it had completely stopped. We stared into each other's eyes and I could feel my cheeks heat up and sparks flow through my body, I bit my bottom lip then letting it go, I broke the silence and told him I had to use the bathroom.

Things seemed so much better between us lately, I think its because of his drunken confessions, I felt like I knew him Better than the confusing view I had of him. With everything going at this pace I felt so much happier, although I missed Jessica and wished she was here to celebrate with me, she would be such a vibe flirting with the rich men trying to get them hooked so they would buy her her dream car. I found myself laughing as I was thinking of all the crazy stuff Jes would be doing right now.

However, my happiness was short lived when I felt someone push my body against the wall, my head hitting hard causing me to flinch. This someone ran their tongue slowly up my cheek licking it, and I immediately knew who it was. Loudly gasping, my lips were quickly covered by a giant hand while his other hand slowly ran up the sledge of my dress tearing it so that now the line was higher, deeply breathing into my ears as hot tears started to come out of my eyes he whispered, "I see you living the rich life now Puta, I hope you haven't forgotten the baggage you left behind."

I could not speak because my mouth was covered and he had pressed all of his weight on me but my heart was beating so fast I felt like it would beat right out of my chest leaving me there.
"Mmmmm,you feel so good" He said, his hand invading more into my dress roughly handling my lady down there. I felt so violated I wanted to scream with everything in me, but my voice was taken away from me, all the memories came flooding back, and I just felt helpless allover again. once again I was that helpless Nellisa who did nothing but beg.
"I don't know why I didn't just Fuck this little body back when I had the chance, I can't believe that bastard has had the honour of tasting you" He looked at me with the most Demonic state "I should just fuck you right now" he said violently choking me.

THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now