August 19th

373 14 1

*hey guys, so I've edited and added some missing parts to the previous Chapter Incase things don't seem so clear in the beginning of this one. Thank you all so much for your support and I hope everyone is still safe and in one piece.

Narrator's pov

"Jake Come on Jess will be at the airport in no time, and I don't want to keep her waiting."

"Remind me again why she had to go to Mauritius?"

"We talked about this J she needed to breathe you know retreat, (after what your friend did to her)"

"I heard that and its not fair, Dave is also affected as much as Jessica is, Plus couldn't she just go to a day spar or something, I mean Mauritius really, worst part is she is on paid leave, when people get up early for work in order to earn their pay she gets paid to lay on a beach cry and get Sun tan"

"JAKE! why are you being such a jerk! must everything always be about work?"


"Just shut up and take me to the airport. Mariaaa were leaving please look out for Isabel she wasn't Feeling well this morning."

"Yeah and now I'm leaving my poor sick child to get your dramatic......." Jake did not get to finish that sentence as Nelly gave her one deadly look and that was it they rode to airport in silence.

Jess and Nelly both agreed that Jess needed a break after the emotional rollercoaster she had been on. Just so she could get her heart and head together and focus on being the Best Godmother to her three Musketeers.

Jessica s Pov.

I got Back from my holiday today. Back to my life, my job, back to doing everything in sync just back! Honestly speaking It's not as bad as I put it, I do feel much better than I did, I guess being by myself helped me put some things into perspective, made me realize that I don't need anyone to give me self worth, it's all up to me how I want to feel and although some emotions can't be controlled, I can't afford to go cooco like that ever again.

God I felt good, I sat in the plane and believe it or not put my sunglasses on and took in a deep relaxed breath while enjoying the smooth air ride. I'd just made peace with all the past craziness I'd been through with Dave. Jesus saying his name makes me feel like throwing up.

Yes that's right. Throwing up. Why? Because I hated him, I hated the Angel for putting me, putting us through the hell he did. Heck that's not what Angels are supposed to do.

I mean I know 90percent of everything was my fault but that's the thing he did nothing! nothing! He just stood by with his Bimbo, his very polite Bimbo yeah I won't forget how nice the lady was.

Just as I won't forget The Angel's intoxicating scent. I still feel it lingering in my lungs, sometimes it comes out and fills up my Nostrils almost hypnotising me and I smile because honestly having a part of him that feels permanent makes me feel good but that still doesn't change the fact that I hate him.

I was driven out of my thoughts by a soft voice announcing that the plane was about to land. I fastened my seatbelt and anxiously waited for the plane to land in hopes to see Nelly and be with my cute God babies. I hope they remember me, babies are such traitors when it comes to memory.

The plane landed we got off, got our luggages and everyone was on the search for their loved ones. I saw Nelly standing bedside her hubby and we become the usual loud us, it was like I never left, it was like she was always with me. Jake on the other hand was just there all formal. They drove me back to my apartment, and God! I have some cleaning to do. Realizing the state my place was in Nelly invited me back to their house for dinner, and I wasn't going to miss out on a chance to see my cuties plus I wouldn't want to dine alone on my first night back, so I quickly freshened up and hopped back into the car and we were off.

THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now