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Nelly 's POV......

I woke up to an annoying Jessica opening up all the Curtains and windows allowing the breeze from the beach to come flooding in filling the room with freshness.

"Letting you to stay here was a mistake." I muffled words against my pillow.
"Wakey wakey sleeping beauty, come on its a a beautiful day, and I would be a fool if I left this place without getting a feel of the beach with my best friend."

"Jess come on its too early we'll do it in the day." I mumbled wrapping myself deeper into the bed.

"Its nine o'clock, the day don't get any better than this hour" she said pulling my blankets

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I mumbled  "well,,, Chlamydia  is a very serious lady case." She winked and I laughed,,, "I can't believe you actually told them you have Chlamydia."

"Come on go get showered, I'll go get breakfast so long." Jess walked out and I went into the bathroom. I was happy I had her around. But her presence still couldn't fill the void I was feeling inside of me the emptiness. I missed him, I was falling appart without him. It hurt more knowing he didn't want to be with me.

I was in the bathtub when I felt something choke me in the throat, I looked to see who was around and there was nobody, immediately I felt my stomach burn and I threw something to the ground. Shit! I was throwing up. I quickly ran over to the toilet.

I threw up so many times I actually thought I was dying. My naked wet body was  lying helplessly on the messy floor as my head rested on the toilet seat.

"Mariaaaaaaa"I screamed, feeling very scared,I didn't know what was going on is this how I would die? Maria came rushing in" what is the problem Nellisa?"

"Tell Sam to get the car, get me, take me to the Hospital, I am dying Maria I am Dying, I think its Cancer, oh my Gosh my hair oh nooo" I cried.
"Oh God what did I do to deserve all this? What did I do Maria? Why is all this happening to me?

" whoever it is am gonna cut their fucking balls off" Jess ran  in holding a butter knife and some yellowish bread on a fork.

"That will be a smooth tasty death for him" I pointed towards the equipment in Jessica's hand. Frustratingly running my hands through my head as tears flowed from my eyes.
"What's going on Nelly?"
"I am dying you pickle head" I said a tear escaping my eye.

"Come now take it easy( Maria said) give me that, ( she motioned towards Jess's breakfast)

"here take this, she broke and handed the thingy to me." I did not even manage to get it into my mouth and I was headed for the basin again to hurl my guts out. "What the Fuck is that?" I coughed.

"Heyyy its French toast  and I'll have you know I make the best in town Oui"Jess pouted pointing her fork at me while picking on more of her "French Toast"

"Nellisa baby you are not dying, you are just plainly and simply PREGNANT." She smiled.


"Hhhh, I woke up with a loud gasp, feeling like i was drowning. and I saw Jessica Hovering over me.

" are you okay," Jessica asked placing her hand on my forehead.
"Yes I am fine, I just had this wierd dream where you were telling me I was pregnant, hahahahh,,, as if." I said getting up. And I saw Jessica giving me an awkward look.

"Say it."

"Well Nelly, you kind of are pregnant."

"What!! No, no no, Maria, Maria, in the dream she was there where is she now?."

"In the bathroom, cleaning your mess, it was not a dream Nelly its. Real.

"No, no, noo... I cried out, noo, I can't be pregnant, I don't wanna be pregnant, I don't know how to be pregnant." I said crying.

How could it be? Why was destiny dealing me such a hand?

"Fuckkkkkkkk" I screamed crying, I felt like plucking my hair out, or jumping out of the window.
How in heaven do I become pregnant in a state like this? Lonely, broken, depressed, uloved by the one I love.

"Get out" I screamed.

"All of you get the fuck out of my room"I was throwing pillows flipping blankets and sheets. Violently hitting the bed.

" whyyy" I cried out, I can't carry a baby, I can't love a baby, my whole life was filled with misery, even growing up, I grew up without a mother and lost my father, I didn't receive enough parental love to know how to give it out, and the one time I learned how to love it was taken away from me.

What am I going to do? Should I even infom Jake? Why should I? When he doesn't want me around, what makes me think he want to come back now?

And for the first Time since my nights on the Streets I got on my knees to Pray.

I put my hands together and tried to say something, but the words words could not come out, tears were the only language I could speak at that moment. Tears of Pain, and Agony. I felt hurt, lost, unwanted, unfairly treated. To me death was better than having to go through all this pain.

"A baby?( I began to pray) how do you give me a baby? How is a baby supposed to mend my broken heart? You were supposed to heal my broken heart, you were supposed to bring him back to me, not a baby, why have you decided that I do not deserve to be happy?tell my why?" My lips trembling as my face was a mess of  tears and mucus and my heart carried all the pain in the world.

Jake's POV..................

"Sam, Maria, stop him," those words, the last words I heard her say, they haunted me every day. This wasn't the proudest decision I've ever made, its probably the dumbest but I couldn't do it anymore, live with the conscience of knowing that with me she would always be in Danger. I couldn't live like that, I couldn't lose her like I lost my Mom and my Late Wife. I couldn't live with having the one thing I held dear being taken away from me.

I listened to her voice messages, everyday I played them, and everyday they tore me appart. The way she was broken, the way she was hurting. My soul just  yearned to be with her, to hold her hold her tight, hold her close to me and never let her go.but I couldn't. I hated myself, for every tear she shed, I hated myself for the hurt she was feeling.

"Hey Dude" Dave came into my hotel room as I drowned my sorrows in my second bottle of whisky.

"Fernando has completely disappeared from radar. But you will be glad to know what I've found." He said placing an envelope in front of me.

"What is it Dave, if its another,,,, I was completely silenced upon emptying all the contents in the envelope looking at the pictures and documentation.
" well I'll be,, how'd you find all this, I excitedly asked.

"Eyes in the right place brother."

"Dave this is unbelievable, its amazing, I must get to Nellisa at once."

I love you Nelly.

Raw I know i felt it too. am sorry, I just needed a way to get it into the direction I am steering it into. A lot is yet to be revealed, so this Chapter was necessary forgive me

Ohhh And like I announced earlier, I have a New book STRENGTH OF A LUNA coming up. Check it out please,

Love you😘😘😘

THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now