Jake and I

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Nelly 'sPov.

After Jess left I did some breathing exercises to calm the nerves. "Come on Nelly everything is still going to be the same, today is just about putting a mark on your man so that girls stop winking flirtatiously at him when you're with him" my subconscious added in and it made a lot of sense. I mean come on this is the man whom I know for a fact would do every and anything for me, I felt crazy for even thinking he would leave me, but hey I can't help my paranoia.

"Pumpkin, it's time."Sam said coming to get me from my room looking as handsome as ever in his suit, his face cleanly shaven, he had this happy proud look on his face, the Aura surrounding him felt stronger than always, happiness was literally radiating off of this man and I couldn't help but smile at it, Sam and I have been through a lot of shitty events together since we've known each other actually since he and Maria practically adopted me we all lived the shitty brutal life, a life we thought we would live till death, my heart fills up with warmth when I think that no matter the situation my life would be right now, Sam and Maria would both still be by my side.

"Oh finally Sam,, all this waiting got my nerves on a high." I reply taking a step towards him

"Nerves are natural pumpkin don't worry."

"Were you also nervous when you were marrying Maria?" I asked fiddling with my hands.
"Oh no pumpkin (he laughed) we eloped."

"What? How come you never told me that?"

" Let's just say we both knew what we felt and what we wanted but everyone around us thought they knew better, anyway that's a story for another day, come on let's not waste that man who is waiting for you at the alter 's time to be with his beautiful bride."

"Thank you so much for doing this for me Sam."
"Nellisa, by now you should know that there isn't anything your Aunt Maria and I wouldn't do for you.

I smiled at the honesty in his words and tried my best not to let the tears fall blinking them back..

"Shall we." He asked holding out his arm for me to take, and I did just that.

"We shall." I replied with that said we set out to the hall.

Once we got to the entrance, the music began playing and the guests got up to honour me. On the other end of the room stood the first and only man I will ever love, he stood looking curiously to where I was and did I mention how hot he looked? That's right hot as in your crush of the century kind of hot but hey that's my man no crushing on him. my heart skipped a beat when I saw him. It felt like I was seeing him for the first time, "The man" now turned to my man, my man about to be my husband my stomach filled with butterflies at that thought.

Sam and I walked to the tune until we got to the middle and stopped.

We stopped and Papa got up. He shook Sam's hand before taking my right arm while Sam had the left arm.

Yes that's right, I had two father's and they both walked me down the isle on my wedding day. I felt so special and complete, this is a moment I would treasure all my life.

The three of us slowly made our way down the isle, my heart on the other hand couldn't wait for me to get to the other end  and by the looks of things Jessica too looked a bit
Uncomfortable I inwardly laughed at the dejavu she was going through, I mean there she was once again at the alter as a maid of honor at Jake's wedding only difference this time is I am the Bride, Dave looked fine though.

Finally getting there, Jake stepped down to get me, Sam gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, Papa did the Same and it was time to say I DO as everyone once again took their seats. I handed my boquet of flowers over to Jess and joined hands with my would be husband.

THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now