The One She Dreaded to See part 2

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Hey guys, y'all ever tried mixing oats with peanut butter?? Sounds crazy but its crazy delicious. Quarantine got me doing crazy experiments. *Not advised to those cuties with the Nut allergies.  Haha,, joking y'all already knew that.__anyway hope y'all  been keeping safe

I know this update is long overdue, considering all the extra time we got at home. But I've been feeling a bit lazy. Enough with the blabbing here is your update.


Ohh had some trouble adding the images so they will come later.

Two weeks later.

JAKE'S POV........

Nelly decided that she would like to Have her old happy life back so we moved back to my house,things were different now, I was happy to be around this woman that I loved so very much and I was even happier that we were having a baby, my baby, Little Heandrason. Although I couldn't help but feel bad for all the horrible things I did, leaving her like that, letting her suffer like that, all in the name of protecting her when all she needed was me.

She got out of the shower with her pajamas already on, took her favourite hand lotion and moisturized her hands, then she came to where I was sitting, placed herself on my lap wrapped her arms around my neck while I wrapped mine securely around her waist protecting her and baby.

We sat like that for a moment, and I couldn't help but feel my heart break, it shattered into so many pieces. As I thought to myself that she loves me, she loves me so much she accepted me, she accepted me for the monster that I was when she first met me, now she has accepted me even after I hurt her like that and here I am keeping a big Secret from her, one that could possibly push her over the edge, what is wrong with me.?

"A penny for your thoughts, Mr Heandrason??" She said breaking the silence.

"My thoughts cost more than Just a penny Sweetheart you Can't afford them." I said softly and she chuckled hitting me on the head.

"Well then, a kiss for your thoughts?"

"Hmm let me think about it."

"Come on what's there to think about?"she frowned and pouted cutely.

"Well how's about you put it here."I said pointing to my forehead and she placed a soft feather kiss.

"And here." I pointed to my right cheek and she kissed it also.

I pointed to the left cheek and she kissed it, I could hear soft chuckles coming from her.

I pointed to my now cleanly shaven chin, and she kissed it, I pointed to my nose then she laughed and instead of kissing it, she playfully rubbed her nose against mine holding on to my ears, and I felt like she was about to plug them out.

"Owkay okay enough,,,here."I pointed to my lips.

"Hmm let's see,"she said lifting my face pressing my lips together with her thumbs then she bit them and laughed so hard I couldn't even be mad. I can't remember the last time I heard her laugh like that.

"Well, no thoughts for you then."
"Wait Wait, fine."she mumbled before placing a soft kiss on my lips.
"That's it?just one Peck?"I cried
"I'll have you know that, that one Peck is worth more than all the pennies in the world combined."she pouted, a playful blush still showing on her face.

"It is my Beautiful Angel, you worth so much more."
"How much more."she smirked.
"Well let's see, you Worth to be called Mrs Heandrason, then you worth to wear a beautiful diamond ring, and receive roses every morning for the rest of your life."

THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now