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We washed the dishes in silence, I could not even look at the man because I was so ashamed. What was I thinking? What was He thinking? What is he thinking now? Oh Jesus!
"I should go." I told him when we were done
"Owkey then have a great night Miss Lawrence, and don't worry Priscilla Changed your sheets so the bed bugs won't bite" he actually tried cracking a joke, but I was too emotionally numb at that moment to even humour him.

"No Mr Heandrason I mean go as in go to my place. I want to go to my place."

"You can't go back there, I thought I made it clear"
"Made it clear? Look Mr Heandrason my life is not the office where you get to dictate and make things clear, okey now take me to my place."I scolded. And he seemed very disappointed and speechless.
"I will take you tomorrow morning." He said in a very low tone, one of someone who has accepted defeat turning to leave.
I want to go now. Take me home now."I demanded.
"You want to go Miss Lawrence? Losing his temper, Go! Yeah Go, Go to your house. Go put your life at risk. Go sleep with one eye open. Go! Go! Leave!"

I must have pushed him over the edge, he got so mad.
I took my bag and turned to leave with nothing to say and he just watched as I left.

JAKE'S POV.........

Damn! I don't know what else to do to show this Girl that I care for her. Yes I admit I care I don't how I got to this point but I do.
Why is she being so difficult? Why doesn't she listen? Argh! I shouldn't have let her go I shouldn't have lost my cool like that but she just pushes all my buttons.
I should probably go after her. It's not safe out there especially for a lady looking that good.

I took my keys and rushed out.

Nelly 's POV.........
Luckily I caught a cab in that neighborhood that late. I couldn't handle being in the company of that man any longer. What a complicated man that Mr Heandrason is. Hot one minute and cold the next well I can't deal with people like That.

"Right at that corner Sir" I told the driver to drop me off.

I got there and the building was absolutely quiet, I ventured for the stairs, and got to my floor. I didn't even need to take my keys out, I could see from the distance that my door was slightly open.

I got in in fear, lit the lights and my mouth almost fell to the ground. The whole place was wreck, I bet you a pig sty is a lot better than the condition my apartment was in. Everything was broken, every single thing. Including the only picture I had of myself and Papa, my last memory of my Papa, destroyed.
Tears welled up in my eyes but I could not cry, I was too furious I could only scream and break more what was already broken.

"Pumpkin" I heard Sam's voice from the door.
"Sam"all the tears flowed like a waterfall out my eyes as I saw him.
"Oh hunny I am so sorry."he caught me in his arms. "I am so sorry my little pumpkin."

"Nellisa I...."Mr Heandrason stormed in and found me in Sam 's arms

"Oh Sorry I...I... sorry" He turned to leave.

"It was you right?"

"What are you talking about?"
"You did this didn't you hmm, You did this right JAKE (sniffing nose) because you wanted to take advantage of me? Because I told you everything about me hey so you knew exactly what to do, right? That's why you won't tell me anything about last night, because it was you. Louis wouldn't do this he never has and He told me he was giving me time,How could you be so cruel? I mean I know you are a heartless man but this is very low even for you.

"Miss Lawrence thats enough! I won't stand here and be insulted like this" the man said all high and mighty, the nerve.

"Well then go" I Said then found myself diving for the man and hitting continuously anywhere I could, (mostly the face and chest) everything was a blur I kept hitting and hitting and I didn't feel like stopping

"Nellisa! Pumpkin! Hunny please stop, Stop Nellisa Stop!" Sam tried to stop me but I couldn't stop I was furious, mad angry.
I charged at him once more and as I was about to hit, he held both my arms in a very tight grip (shit forgot the man punches bag for his rage) he looked deep in my eyes for what could be seconds turned to a minute or so, I was furious breathing like a beast, all the make up on my face melted away with the tears.

He let me go took, a squashed note from his pocket gave it to me and left with no word said. (Coward)

I opened the note up. And it Read


Sweet Mary Mother of Jesus this could only be Louis. Oh God Mr Heandrason what have I done.

THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now