where am I

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Nelly 's POV.......

"Get me Jessica on the line now! I can't lose the Jackson's Contract I've come too far."

I woke up to Mr Heandrason 's Sharp voice, what was he doing in my house? My eyes were not completely open and my head hurt like hell. "Ahh! It was probably a bad idea drowning myself in booze like that."

I let myself breathe for a minute before attempting to get out of bed, "it must be the hangover but this bed feels a lot more comfortable than usual and this blankets; Jesus I could sleep all day."

Just then, realized I was not in my house. I looked at the roof to see crystal chandeliers hanging from above, I must be losing my mind.

"Oh God what have I done? I hope I didn't offer myself to the man...mmhhh the shame,,, how would I look at him?he is my boss for Heaven's sake."

I got out of bed my eyes immediately found the door and I headed for it.

"Listen Jessica organise a meeting with the Jacksons today! To_Day not Tomorrow not next week Today."I could hear Mr Heandrason s voice screaming from the other side of the house and decided to follow it. The hallway was big and very quiet. Doors big enough to be 2floors closed the rooms in the hall. I felt like I was in some dream.

I kept following the voice till I found him. He was in what seemed like an office must be where he works from Home.

" Yes Tell Pete to get his Guys." He said slamming the phone then running his fingers Furiously through his dark silky hair. "Oh Miss Lawrence sorry I didn't see you there. How did you sleep? He asked handing me a readily prepared tray of pills and water.

I took it without asking any questions and gave it back to him. "Feeling any better?" He asked. "What happened last night?and How did I get here?" I asked him in pure confusion.
"Sit" he ordered and walked over to the phone "Yes get me Doctor Henry ASAP, Yes my house. Thats right Thanks." He said putting the receiver back.
"Why are you calling the doctor? Did anything happen?? Oh my!! Did we,,,"

"Calm down Miss Lawrence I...

"Noo um so stupid.... What was I thinking? Was I even thinking ¿oh Jesus,,,,

"Miss Lawrence please" he said slamming his hand hard on the table. "Nothing of that sort happened okey. I don't just end up in bed with women I don't know."he said deadly serious.

Ouch owkey its a relief though." How did I end up here then"I asked him.

"A lot happened last night, I think its best we wait for the....

" Mr Heandrason" female voice interrupted
"Yes Precillia?" It was a middle aged woman almost looked to be the same age as Sam s wife, she was the maid
"Doctor Henry is here"she said
"Let him through." He told her
"Good Morning Mr Heandrason" a very old looking man entered the room as active as ever. "God How old could he be?" I thought to myself

"Dr Henry" he walked over to shake his hand "that was quick" he told him...I thought so too it was almost as if he was waiting for the call.
"No Jakey I was close by when my assistant called so it was no hustle. What do you need me for? I am certain this is not a social call." The doctor said

"Oh yes, Miss Lawrence come over here" he ordered and I walked over to him.

"Ahh Miss Lawrence huh" the doctor said his eyes fixed on me. "Forgive my being rude, how are you today?" He asked.
"I've been better." I told him
"Now what might be the problem?" He asked.

"I would like you to look at the cut on her neck, the last time I checked it seemed to be changing colour." Mr Heandrason told him.
"Oh let's see it then" he said putting on his blue rubber gloves 'sit here if you will" he said "tilt your head so I can see." He looked at the cut "hmm...okey. Open up,," he lit a flash light... "Lets see the eyes" he said stretching my eyes. Okey Looks like you have acquired a wound infection, nothing a little cefuroxime systemic won't fix. Here I'll write you a prescription and you can get them at any pharmacy now all you have to do is carefully and thoroughly wash the wound I promise you will be A okey!"

"Thanks Docc ill send Dave to get this" Mr Heandrason said holding the prescription paper. "Let me walk you out" he offered the man. "Its okey I'll find my way Jakey boy. Say hi to your Mum" he said winking.

"My mother is still very married Doctor Henry thank you. Come Miss Lawrence you must be Hungry." He said leading me out of the office to the kitchen that looked like a Fancy hotel restaurant. It was so big and so beautiful mouthwatering aromas filled the whole room, I heard my stomach rumble and almost felt ashamed. We sat at the big table which was already prepared, looked like there was about to be a royal feast.

I wounder where they take all this food after we are done with it.

"Mr Heandrason can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead" he said placing a chunk of Bacon in his mouth. "Umm until when are you going to refer to me as the woman I don't know? I mean I thought maybe after telling you my story things would be a little different."
"Miss Lawrence, knowing your story does not mean I know you. But if that offends you then Forgive me."


THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now