Yes I Love Her

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Nelly's POV.......

"Go Nelly you can do this.
You can do this you are here to work, nothing will go wrong if you just focus on work, you can do this" I kept telling myself that things would be alright despite my last encounter with Mr Heandrason, and just then the phone on my desk rang, it was him.

"Sir" I answered to hear what he wanted.

"Miss Lawrence, my office now." I put the receiver back down and wondered what the man wanted from me. God I hope he is not going to talk about what happened over the weekend.

"Yes Mr Heandrason."I said with my head half way in his office.
"Come in and sit." He commanded."I've just received a call from the Jacksons. Mr Jackson is very satisfied with the input you gave on the plan the other day and he says that he would be very comfortable if you were to head the whole project." WTF
"Wow Mr Heandrason I am honoured
(Fuck No um fucking overwhelmed)
but I can't possibly do that I am only here as an assistant.
" I tried to decline the offer (bad call)
"I am afraid this is not a request, it's an order. if it was a request I figure I would be begging now wouldn't I Miss Lawrence? Well then,I will set you up a team you will be working with, don't disappoint me please."the man said with a very expressionless face

"But Mr...."
"Surely you didn't go to college to study to become just an assistant right?"
"Yes Sir."
"What did you say you studied?" He asked in all sarcasm with no interest whatsoever in hearing my response (ouch)
"Quantity surveying and Land management Sir" "wow see now this is your big break to finally make use of your money's worth. all those loans will prove not to be futile plus you will make enough from this project to pay those gorillas off isn't that right Miss Lawrence?"

"That's absolutely correct Sir."

I was bored, I couldn't believe Mr Heandrason could make such a mockery out of my situation, how dare he? I wanted to tell him off but decided it just wasn't worth it.
"Great. First thing tomorrow morning you are having a Meeting with your new team. Mr Jackson Said he would like to see the sampled structure of the building before the end of the week. Oh and you will still have to do your work for me here, the project I assume won't be taking you all day right"
The fuck is this man trying to do? Is he trying kill me? Cold prick!

"That will be all you may go. Oh oh one more thing, (what now)"
"Yes Sir."
He stared at me dead in my eyes with the coldest expression. "Never again Miss Lawrence, and I mean never turn up at my house unannounced. I don't appreciate surprise visitors. Got it?"

Fuck you! I wanted to spit at the man but I was holding in all this venom and enduring shit from this prick.
"Noted Sir."I said heading for the door.I wanted to cry the man was being such an ass.

"Miss Lawrence?"
(What do you want Fukah?)I turned to look at him my face giving an expression that showed I was waiting for him to say something holing back so badly the tears that wanted to burst out of my eyes.
I couldn't even be happy about the job upgrade I was given because the man made me feel like he was doing me. Favour. Dog!

"That will be all thank you" he said
It's amazing how much I was turning to hate him, . maybe its because I thought he was different, I thought behind that serious straight face was sweet caring man but he had proved to me what a piece of trash he was, making jokes of my past, mocking me God I hated that Fart!

JAKE'S POV.........

I am so sorry Nellisa, I wanted to tell her but I couldn't. I think it worked, if ever Nellisa thought anything could happen between us I think she doesn't anymore, me being an ass must have ironed everything out. I had to do it for her own safety, I can't fall for this girl. At least not now.

This way no feelings shall be aroused or triggered between the two of us.

God how I want to be with her how I want to hold her beautiful chubby body, how I would love to just stare at her cute little face and listen to her sweet little voice whine all day. It breaks my heart thinking about it.

God dammit I need a drink!

_ later in the day at the bar_

"You don't get it Dave, this girl is different, pure, innocent. I feel like she was made especially for me I don't know why but I get that feeling."I told Dave who was absolutely confused by reasons for hurting Nelly.
Dave was not only my driver he was my best friend, I grew up with him His life seemed to go over the edge the past year so I helped him out. We always looked out for each other. He loved me like was his brother and so did I. I always looked to him for advice.

"No Jake let me get this right, you love this Girl. But you need to hurt her, because you love her? This makes absolutely no sense."he said sipping away on his bottle.

"Yes see the real reason behind all this is because her being with me puts her life in great Danger."

"How? Hell! You sound insane man"

"The day we fought with her in her apartment."
"Yeah the day she beat you up."
"Yes that day, I Got an envelope when I got home, it had a picture of Nelly and I kissing in the hallway of her apartment building, it was of the day she was wasted drunk, behind the photo was a message telling me to stay away from the girl or she suffers greatly. And immediately I received a call telling me not to even try to help her or else that will be the death of her. I don't Want to be the death of the only woman I love dude" gulping down the rest of what was left in my bottle.

"Oh hell Jake! and you still haven't done a thing?" Dave furiously asked
"How will I do that? When it's obvious that this guys are watching our every moves."
"Come on Jake, don't be like this, I don't even think I know you like this. The Heandrason I know would be preparing for war. How could you deal with guys like Moscow and be afraid of some small time Mafia gang Fuck!"

"Um not Fucking afraid" furiously banging my hand on the counter
"Then what are you pussy! In love? You call this being in love" Dave provoked me further

"Don't call me that" I said grabbing him by the collar. " And yes I am in love okey."
"Then prove that you are not a pussy prove that you love this Lady Jake, stop whining and Start preparing for war."

Excuse the typos please. kinda wrote this unexpectedly and I am actually supposed to be asleep😅😅but um just too obsessed

THE ASSISTANT HE LOVED all boundaries broken [UNEDITED]✓Where stories live. Discover now