Chapter 2

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I sat with the wizard and the hobbit till the sun wasn't shining over us anymore. All around me was the sounds of merrymaking, this was truly an elaborated party, and people would surely be talking about it for days to come. 

"Old Toby. The finest weed in the south farthing." I grinned as Bilbo smoked and blown a smoke-ring, Gandalf followed with a smoke boat passing through it. "My old friends... This will be a night to remember."

By nightfall, Bilbo and his guests arrived near the party tree when the festivities began, and with loud cheers and hoots, everyone greeted the Birthday hobbit. Hobbits of all ages danced merrily on the green grass and forgot their initial nervousness about the wizard and me.

Fireworks exploded in the skies as I was very much enjoying the refreshments of dancing after years of stress and sadness, I remember the times when I didn't like dancing or even being that much in public

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Fireworks exploded in the skies as I was very much enjoying the refreshments of dancing after years of stress and sadness, I remember the times when I didn't like dancing or even being that much in public. Those times were over, it was the time to celebrate. I was just as loved as Gandalf by the hobbit families, I had presented them Christmas and helped them in culture and gardening when they needed it, but I think they don't know I was a queen, they keep referring me as Miss (Y/N).

Just as I finished dancing with Frodo, he excused himself and sat next to his gardener and friend, Samwise Gamgee. He was looking at the hobbit named Rosie with blushing cheeks. "Go on, Sam. Ask Rosie for a dance." 

I smiled as I saw him sigh and getting up. "I think I'll just have another ale." Sam said, flashing us a small disappointed smile. Frodo averted his eyes and grabbed Sam from behind. "Oh no, you don't!" He suddenly pushed him to the dancefloor, right into Rosie's arms and I laughed along with Frodo as we stared at them.

Gandalf's fireworks were the best I have ever seen, of course, magic always worked to impress around here. "Well, how are you liking my Uncle's party so far? I do think--" Frodo began to say to me, but was quickly cut off by Merry and Pippin rushing past, bumping Frodo's back in the process. 

Pippin looked over at us as he ran away and mouthed a quick 'sorry'. "Those two are always up to something bad, something foolish." Frodo muttered.

I sighed deeply. "Yeah, they sure are." Frodo laughed as he looked at me, his gaze lingered on me for a little longer than necessary. "Well, Frodo. Are you having fun at least?" He nodded and smiled. "Of course! Just wait until Gandalf lights all his fireworks later tonight."

"You're of age now, and Bilbo is one hundred and eleven." I mused. "Did you get anything for your birthday? After all, this is a special occasion." He shook his head. "No. Not unless you count getting my uncle's inheritance." He said jokingly. At his statement, gears began to turn in my head, this could be a good opportunity, I could give him something for his birthday, something I've been wanting to give him for a while now.

"Frodo, I have to give you something." I said quietly. Frodo gave me a questioning look and leaned in closer. All the sounds of the party going on around the both of us were forgotten as I gave him the necklace Gandalf have given me when I was younger, the golden necklace that had saved me and the Durins from death. 

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