Chapter 4

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It felt strange to be back in Rivendell. Unlike Erebor or the other many realms around Eriador, it had remained untouched from weariness and war. Time seemed to have simply passed over the elven realm, leaving it as quietly wonderful as it had been when I first came to it so long ago.

The sun had nearly set by the time I reached the house of Elrond, and they were informed upon my arrival, Lindir told me that Arwen and Elrond were expecting me for supper, but food is the last thing on my mind. Instead, I told Elrond of Saruman's betrayal and excused myself from my elven family, insisting on finding Bilbo before doing anything else.

I hurried through the grand halls of the house. Soon enough, I standing before the door to Bilbo's rooms. I hesitated, staring at the intricately carved wood for long seconds. Then I raised my hand and gave a gentle knock. "Come in!" Tangled emotions flickered across my face at the sound of the familiar, yet clearly aged, voice. Pressing my lips together, I pushed the door open and wandered inside.

A cozy warmth embraced the room. A fire was crackling softly in the room's fireplace, blanketing everything in a gentle sunset glow. Books and loose papers littered the room, while pencils and sketching charcoal lay forgotten on tables or stuffed in-between sofa cushions. Amid the clutter, a small chair had been placed before the fire. Sitting in it was Bilbo.

As I drew near, I realized that there was indeed something time had managed to lay its touch upon in Rivendell. Bilbo looked as though another fifty years had passed since I had last seen him, the hobbit sat slouched in his chair, eyes closed and relaxation softening his face. Upon hearing the faint patter of approaching footsteps, he raised his head with a smile.

"(Y/N)!" He said. Though brittle with age, his voice had not lost its cheery tone. "So you've come back to finally visit me." He laughed and stepped towards me, giving me a tight hug. I didn't know what to say, and I felt my heart sinking. Flashing a radiate smile, Bilbo grasped my hand eagerly, nodding as he started chatting.

"I was waiting for your arrival for so long. Have you caught another's eye?" Bilbo asked jokingly, grinning at me. "How could I, dear Bilbo? When my heart still belongs to the Durins..." He pursed his lips, still smiling at me. "I know, have you not received anything from them?" I shook my head, looking down. "Nothing... Absolutely nothing for some time."

I gave him a weak smile. "What have you been up to while I was gone?" I reached out and grasped Bilbo's hands. "My stories for the must. But being here in Rivendell is just..." He looked around, his eyes never leaving the window. "Peaceful. I feel just like if I was young again." He locked eyes with me once again. "Just like the first time."

I fought down the sudden lump in my throat

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I fought down the sudden lump in my throat. I opened my mouth, intending to agree with him and talk about our first adventure, when I was once a world apart from them. I knelt there for a moment, struggling to twist together a lie from the truths in my mind. Then a choked sound of grief spilled from my lips and I lowered my head, pressing my forehead to Bilbo's hands as I wept.

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