Chapter 9

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"Are we lost?" Pippin asked, making me turn to look at the hobbits.


"I think we are."

"Shh! Gandalf's thinking."

"Merry?" The hobbit looked at his cousin with annoyance. "What?"

"I'm hungry." I smirked slightly, even if the situation was terrible they always keep me away from sadness, we've been here closed for 3 days because our wizard doesn't remember the way. I was sitting between Gandalf and the rest of the Fellowship, seeing everything they do from where I am. Frodo looked down into the cavern and, startled, rushed over to where Gandalf and I are sat. "There's something down there!" The hobbit exclaimed. 

"It's Gollum." I said without surprise. "Gollum?"

I glanced down, taking in the view of a slim figure hiding from us. "He's been following us for three days already." I said. "He escaped the dungeons of Barad-Dûr." Frodo quickly said, what a smart, little hobbit.

"Escaped? Or was set loose? And now the Ring had drawn him here. He will never be rid of his need for it. He hates and loves the Ring, as he hates and loves himself." I could feel Gollum's large eyes piercing the darkness. "Sméagol's life is a sad story. Sméagol he was once called. Before the Ring found him... Before it drove him mad." I half-whispered as I played with my magic, feeling Frodo's eyes on me.

" I half-whispered as I played with my magic, feeling Frodo's eyes on me

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This time I glanced at him. "Pity? It was pity that stayed Bilbo's hand. Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo?" Gandalf asked as Frodo looked down, silently. "Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise can not see all ends. My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill... Before this is over."

"Maybe Bilbo's pity might rule the fate of many... I think he did, and he will." I muttered. Frodo stood silent for a good while before sitting. "I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."

"So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, in which case you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought." The wizard then looks towards one of the doorways.

"Oh! It's that way...!" Gandalf I want to kill you.

"He's remembered!" Merry exclaimed out as everyone got up and started down a dark stairway. "No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down here." The wizard rested a hand on Merry's shoulder. "If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose." I don't think that's not always a thing to do. We come to a more open space with broken columns lying tumbled across the floor. "(Y/N), can you risk a little more light to us?" I lifted my arm as my fire illuminated a giant stone hall with tall pillars and arched ceilings. "Behold, the great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf."

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