Chapter 26

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I opened my eyes as I felt the wind call my name, and I looked behind me, two guards rode to the front of the column. I could feel darkness not so far away from here, I patted Adán's shoulder, and he nodded at me before I flew to Legolas, scanning the surroundings. "My lady, did you receive anything from the wind?"

"Darkness. Not far away from here, it's close." Both of us climbed to a hill, looking for any suspicious moves, all of sudden we heard a scream, and we followed the sound until we found the guard fighting against a warg scout. Legolas shot the warg with his bow and I cut the head of the Orc, but not before he could yell out.

"A scout!" Screamed Legolas, Aragorn ran down the hill to the king. "What is it? What do you see?"

"Wargs! We are under attack!" The villagers panicked immediately. "All riders to the head of the column!!" Shouted Théoden, I followed Legolas and we spotted the warg pack running towards us. "If only I could get paid for every warg I kill." I complained. Legolas flashed me a small smile and started shooting at the wargs and their riders. I extended my hands up, roots growing from the ground to hook as many as I could, Legolas was killing them one by one while I hang the rest. 

The column of riders appeared behind us, Legolas swung himself upon the horse's back as I flew next to them. The Rohirrim drew their swords and they crashed against the warg riders at full speed. I vanished my wings and drew my axe, killing an orc as I landed, many more followed that one, and I looked back to see another pack nearing us. I threw my hands towards them, a powerful rash of wind making them fly away.

I heard Gimli's yell, and I turned to find him laying on the ground, he got up, grabbed his axe, and a riderless warg heads towards him. "Bring your pretty face to my axe!" Legolas shoots the warg as it attacks before Gimli has the chance to kill it himself. "Argh! That one counts as mine!"

I rolled my eyes and beheaded and attacked as many orcs as any soldier in the field, I burned a warg that tried to kill a man, and the Rohirrim only stared at me amazed, his mouth hung open. "Are you gonna stay down on a woman?" He shook his head quickly, getting up.

I heard a growling warg, and I saw a warg ready to attack Gimli, I threw my axe at the warg, killing it, and it landed on Gimli. "God fucking dammit Gimli!" I shouted at him as I tried to take the wargs off him. "Watch your language, cousin of mine!!" I heard a thud behind me, and I gazed at a dead Orc, killed by Adán.

He smiled, dismounting his horse to help me get the wargs off Gimli. The dwarf got up instantly and ran to kill a breathing warg. Sooner than I expected, the fighting had dissipated, and I looked around for the heir, he was nowhere to be seen. "Aragorn!" I called and Adán followed me next to Legolas and Gimli.

The elf's brows knit in worry as he scanned the area. "Aragorn!" He called out. Gimli followed suit and added his call to the air. "Aragorn?!"

The elf picked up a faint trail. It looked like a warg was running through the area and was dragging something. Bright red blood spotted the earth, but other than the bodies of dead orcs, wargs and horses, no man was seen. Legolas followed the trail to a cliff as the dirt and grass gave way to bare rock, the trail was lost and the elf dropped to one knee looking for any sign of the trail that seemed to vanish.

I shouted again, but there was no answer. We spot a dying orc on the ground, laughing. Gimli bend down and pointed his axe at it. "Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing!"

"He's... Dead." The Orc coughed, laughing. "He took a little tumble off the cliff." I furrowed my brows, running towards the cliff with King Théoden. "You lie!" The evil laughter quickly turned into gasping breath before the orc ceased all movements and died. I looked down into the river below. King Théoden had a grim expression on his face as he surveyed the scene beneath him. I tied to read the expression on Théoden's face but was puzzled at what he saw, I braced myself as too I peered off the cliff and saw--

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