Chapter 31 | The Return of the King

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"Why are you so happy?" Adán asked, turning his head to look at me.

Our group consisted of Éomer, Théoden, Gandalf, Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, Adán and me going through the forests towards Isengard. I had felt excited and happy since I entered here, the trees were giving us praises and compliments as we passed, I couldn't help but show a bright smile on my lips. "I don't know, the trees make me feel safe. They are complimenting us."

"Complimenting? Then how about they stop being violent and terrifying to move around, that would be very welcoming." I rolled my eyes at Gimli's comeback. "I guess they are good now, saving for me that it is. Everyone is nice to others but me, even the freaking trees..." Adán whispers the last sentence.

I smile and say out loud. "Tur- pen racta hon golv?" The forests swayed, and everyone stopped their horses, the tree above Adán moved and as fast as our view could see, the tree hit Adán in the nose with its branch, making me laugh. "Thank you!" I said to the trees as the others let out a chuckle, and we continued our way towards Isengard. "You are still like children." I heard Gandalf muttered, and I smiled.

The end of the forest, followed by Isengard, comes into view and a familiar hobbit laughter is heard. "Is that...?" Gimli asked and we smiled at each other. We approached the crumbled gates encircling Isengard, and the hobbits celebrate our welcome, with no scratches and certainly with no bruised emotions or heart. I'm glad.

"Welcome, my Lords... And my Lady." Started Merry, bowing to us and winking at me. "To Isengard!"

Pippin, obviously inebriated and touched by the leaf, said

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Pippin, obviously inebriated and touched by the leaf, said. "We are sitting on the field of victory, enjoying a few well-earned comforts. The salted pork is particularly good." Gimli stares in awe. "Salted pork?" The dwarf smiles and Gandalf whispers impatiently. "Hobbits."

"We're under orders from Treebeard, who's taken over management of Isengard." Gandalf starts moving and while the others followed, Pippin called me. "Miss (Y/N)! Don't you want to join us?" I furrowed my eyebrows, smiling playfully and helping them to get on horses. "Maybe later, boys. Duty comes first." Éomer flashes a small smile and I returned it as we approached Orthanc, the tower of Isengard.

"Young master Gandalf and lady (Y/N), I'm glad you've come. Wood and water, stock and stone I can master, but there's a Wizard to manage here, locked in his tower." I get closer to the tree as the group looks around, uncomfortable. "Good to see you, Treebeard. Been a long time." The ent bows and gives me a small necklace with a golden leaf.

"Be careful, even in defeat Saruman is dangerous." I watched Treebeard resume his work around the tower, and I saved the necklace in one of my pockets. "Then let's just have his head and be done with it. (Y/N)!" Gimli suggested and I turn around to meet him. "No Gimli, we need him alive. We need him to talk." A voice calls out from above, and Saruman comes into view, standing on the top of the tower. "You have fought many wars and slain many men Théoden king and made peace afterward. Can we not take council together, as we once did, my old friend? Can we not have peace, you and I?"

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