Chapter 35

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The sun shined over Edoras, but the eruption of darkness still lit our hearts, we haven't received any news from Gandalf in 3 days. They must have some plan to bring the 2 kingdoms of men together. "Lady (Y/N)?" I glanced at king Théoden, who motioned me to his side. I gladly did, bowing my head respectfully.

"Do you need anything, your majesty?" I asked. The king, surprisingly, shook his head and I tilted my head with confusion. "No... No. Forgive me for wasting your time with the nonsense of an old man, however, I was hoping, my lady..." He looked at me, sighing heavily. "If I don't survive this war, and I know I won't... Please, accept my nephew's hand."

My mouth hung open and next to us someone coughed aggressively, Adán let his cup full of beer fall of his hand, putting both of his hands on his knees as he kept coughing. Ágo and 2 more guards came to him to pat his back, leaving him to breathe better. Suddenly, Aragorn comes running from outside Meduseld at great speed. "The Beacons of Minas Tirith! The Beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!" Everyone falls silent, Adán coughing again in the middle of it. The people in the great hall stare at the king of Rohan, waiting for his answer.

"Muster-- The Rohirrim!" Adán shouted in between coughs, Éomer followed my cousin outside

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"Muster-- The Rohirrim!" Adán shouted in between coughs, Éomer followed my cousin outside. Quickly, Ágo and I put on our battle suits and grabbed our weapons, a soldier rings an alarm bell and we exit Meduseld. I helped Ágo to get on a horse, and I turned to look at Éomer, who walked towards the stables, not once breaking eye contact with me.

"Seriously?" I turned to Ágo, who wore an annoyed expression. "This is like Fili and Kili all over again..." She rolled her eyes and galloped away, leaving me with a flushed face. "That is not true!" But she didn't hear me, and I turned away towards Meduseld again. Merry, holding his sword, approaches Théoden, and I stopped to look at them. "Excuse me, I have a sword. Please accept it. I offer you my service, Théoden King." Théoden helps Merry to his feet. "And gladly I accept it. You shall be Meriadoc, esquire of Rohan." Merry grins and runs off, sending me a bright smile as he runs towards the stable.

Théoden looks at me, and I purse my lips and frown. He was serious. I sighed and bowed, grabbing Ágo's knife from one of the guards and making my way to Legolas, Gimli and Ágo. "Horsemen, hmph! I wish I could muster a legion of Dwarves, fully armed and filthy."

"Your kinsmen may not need to ride to war. I fear war already marches on their lands." Legolas whispered. "I pray for them... Every single day." They smiled at me as they rode away, I looked back to see Merry trying to get his stubborn pony to move, the pony ignoring his kicks.

I walked to him and motioned the horse to trot. "Treat the pony with care and he will do the same." I said to Merry. "Sorry... Miss (Y/N)?" I hummed, letting him continue. "Was the king serious?" I choked on my saliva, quickly regaining posture again. "I think he was, but I only hope he forge-- Wait, you were there?" He nodded, smiling innocently, and I laughed, patting his leg. "You hobbits." I mutter, making him chuckle, silence falls between us, his eyes suddenly turning sad. "Pippin will be alright in Gandalf's care, do not worry."

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 | 𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐑Where stories live. Discover now