Chapter 21

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// No POV //

Aragorn suddenly stumbled on something, a tree with peaking roots perhaps. He landed with a muffled thud on the forest floor, wondering if he was lost, his hand was tangled in what seemed to mass of vines. He lifted himself to shuffle through the curtain of leaves. He squinted to see ahead and saw a clearing past the remaining vines, a small one of steaming spring water with many walls of rock surrounding it. It seemed quite enclosed to any outside occurrences. The moon hung just above it, capturing all of its beauty through its glowing light.

He saw someone rise from the water, stunned at himself for not sensing their presence before. He could only see the backside of the figure. (H/C) hair and (S/C) skin under the distinct moonlight.

He let out a sigh of relief realizing that it was you. He was so glad you were safe, you weren't sleeping with the others when he woke up, but something told him not to approach. He would rather sit and figure out what you were doing. Once he rose past his hair Aragorn had seen that you were not clothed. Aragorn did feel a little guilty peeking in on you like this, but he continued nonetheless. Though you were quite feminine, you were also strong, you were always far more capable in battle than anyone else Aragorn had ever known. But now as he looked, he realized the color of your skin, and the curve of your waist and back was not something to overlook.

He could not think of you this way. He knew he shouldn't. Arwen is the one who he will marry and love until the end of the days. But you've been there for him since your younger years, and on the slim chance that you should both survive this war, he could travel to the ends of the earth with you. He would give you all of the love that you had never received from another.

Why he still stood watching you, he didn't know. He watched as you brought handfuls of water up to your shoulders to let it cascade gracefully down your arms. He held this sight to his memory, you were beautiful. You have been truly blessed, or maybe you always had this beauty and he just didn't want to open his eyes.

He decided to let you have your time alone. He would return to camp and wait for you there, you were getting ready to walk into Fangorn again, in hopes that the trees could give you answers about Adán's whereabouts.

He stepped backward slowly, attempting to go unnoticed, but his efforts came to no avail upon the cracking of a twig under his boot. He cursed lightly under his breath as you swiftly turned your head. "Who goes?!" Came your strong voice. "Name yourself!"

// Your POV //

"Who goes?!" I called. "Name yourself!" I saw a figure emerging from the vines and bushes. "It is me." Aragorn's voice engulfed my ears, and I softened my gaze, but shot him a questioning glance. There was no need to hide, he had already seen everything. "Aragorn. How long have you been watching from the shadows?" Aragorn sighed, staring at me as I had a stern face. "No more than a mere moment." 

I turned away from Aragorn's gaze. "Perhaps it's time I make way back to camp."

"Perhaps it is." Aragorn agreed. I emerged from the water, and then I realized that Aragorn's eyes were still fiercely attached to mine. "Turn your eyes, Aragorn." Aragorn turned. "I don't see how you can worry about where my eyes travel. I've already seen the beauty under your clothing."

"Your eyes do not look as if you've already seen everything." I could feel his eyes widening in surprise at my reply. "What do you mean?" I sighed deeply as I grabbed my clothes. "Your eyes look with longing and desperation... Something you cannot and will not give me."


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