Chapter 20

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Legolas bows before Gandalf, Gimli following him and I step forward, looking at Gandalf in all his splendor. He was emanating so much power. "It cannot be..." Aragorn whispered, still not believing that he's alive. "Forgive me. I mistook you for Saruman." Legolas says, not able to look at Gandalf. "I am Saruman. Or rather Saruman as he should have been."

"You fell!" The heir exclaims out, Gandalf's expression falls. "Through fire. And water... From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak, I fought him, the Balrog of Morgoth. Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside. Darkness took me. And I strayed out of thought and time..." I see, Eru brought him back to life, just like he did with me. 

"Stars wheeled overhead, and every day was as long as the life age of the earth." I smiled, letting a tear fall down my cheek. "But it was not the end. I felt light in me again. I've been sent back until my task is done." I stepped towards him. "Gandalf!" He was confused. Does he not remember his past life? Who he was? "Gandalf? Oh yes. That's what they used to call me, my young lady. Gandalf the Grey. That was my name."

"Gandalf!" Gimli speaks, smiling. "I am Gandalf the White. And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide." 

We walked alongside Gandalf, trying to walk out of Fangorn. "One stage of your journey is over, another begins. War has come to Rohan. We must ride to Edoras with all speed." Gimli gasps in frustration. "Edoras? That is no short distance!" I walked over to the wizard and the heir. "We hear of trouble in Rohan. It goes ill with the king." I said. 

"Yes, and it will not be easily cured." Gandalf says.

"Then we have run all this way for nothing? Are we to leave those poor hobbits here in this horrid, dark, dank tree-infested..." I glanced at Gimli, giving him an angry look as the trees rumbled, they were offended. "Gimli!" I yelled at him, touching the trees to calm them.

"I mean charming, quite charming forest." Gandalf turns around, holding my hand and rubbing it with the other. "It was more than mere chance that brought Merry and Pippin to Fangorn. A great power has been sleeping here for many long years. The coming of Merry and Pippin will be like the falling of small stones that starts an avalanche in the mountains."

"In one thing you have not changed, dear friend." Aragorn muttered, making the wizard lean to him. "You still speak in riddles." We chuckled, and Gandalf embraced me. "A thing is about to happen here that has not happened since the Elder Days. The Ents are going to wake up and find that they are strong."

"Strong? Oh, that's good." I rolled my eyes at my cousin, who was still afraid of the rumbling the trees did. "They are not evil, Gimli. Ents and Huorns are the most gentle of the free folk." The trees rumble in appreciation, leaves falling on top of me as Aragorn glanced at me, and Gandalf agreed with my sentence. "So stop your fretting Master Dwarf."

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