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Fourth Age

FO 6 - Peregrin Took marries Diamond of Long Cleeve.

- Léofara, daughter of (Y/N) of Lórien and king Éomer of Rohan, is born.

FO 9 - Birth of Faramir Took, son of Diamond of Long Cleeve and Peregrin Took.

- Birth of Durin VII, son of Thorin III Stonehelm.

- Birth Of Elfwine, son of Lothíriel and Éomer.

FO 13 - Peregrin Took becomes 32nd Thain of the Shire.

FO 15 - Death of Glóin, father of Gimli.

FO 34 - Death of Prince Imrahil. Imrahil's son Elphir assumes the Principality.

- Ágo restores the city of Lothlórien and pledges to protect it as her own.

- Many mortals start living in Lothlórien with the departure of the elves.

FO 41 - Birth of Holfast Gardner, son and heir of Frodo Gardner.

FO 63 - Meriadoc Brandybuck, aged 102, and Peregrin Took, aged 94, leave the Shire to live in Rohan and Gondor.

- Death of Éomer, aged 93. His son Elfwine ascends the throne of Rohan.

FO 67 - Death of Prince Elphir, son of Imrahil, 23rd Prince of Dol Amroth. Elphir's son Alphros assumes the Principality.

FO 82 - Death of Faramir, aged 120. His son Elboron assumes the Principality.

- Elyon, daughter of (Y/N) of Lórien and Legolas Thranduilion, is born.

FO 95 - Death of Prince Alphros of Dol Amroth, son of Elphir.

FO 120 - Death of Aragorn, King of the Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor, after 210 years of life and 122 years of reign. Aragorn's son Eldarion ascends the throne.

- Legolas builds a ship with the help of Haco and (Y/N) of Lórien and sails into the west to the Undying Lands, taking Gimli (now a very old dwarf) with him.

FO 171 - A copy of the Red Book of Westmarch is made.

FO 185 - Death of Harding of the Hill, Sam Gamgee's heir.

FO 220 - Events for The New Shadow happen this year.

- Haco, Adán, Acay and Ágo stay forever in Middle Earth with an upcoming shadow that would remain until the end of the world.

- (Y/N) ascends once again to the side of the Valar, becoming the goddess of Evolution and Time.

Fourth Age - Ninth Age

- Haco, Adán, Acay and Ágo hide the existence of everything about the elves, dwarves and the Lord Sauron as Men continue to evolve.

- Events of the world of Men as we know it.

Recreation of Arda (The end of times)

- Dagor Dagorath.

The end of all things.

The final battle between good and evil will determine the fate of Arda and all who live here. The elves have written about the day that this battle comes and they say it will the Valar and the races created by the All-Powerful Eru against Morgoth the Lord of All Darkness, his lieutenants, and his horrid races created or twisted by his corruption.

But... That's not entirely true.

There are a select few who know what that battle will truly be. We have seen fragments of that time, in dreams, in visions, we have studied it in our ancestor's private journals, and we have been gifted by Eru to see the truth in all of Arda.

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